Black Thorns (Thorns Duet #2) by Rina Kent

Debra’s hand shakes and some tea spills over the rim of the cup she is holding as she places the saucer on the table. She stares at Nate as if he’s grown three heads. “Nathaniel! Did you call my presence unpleasant?”

“Do the right thing.” Nate’s gaze flits between his parents. “For once in your self-indulgent lives, do something for someone other than yourselves.”

The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. Both Brian and Debra seem like they want to hit Nate for his insolence and he appears to be waiting for any move just so he can hit back.

“I know you care about Sebastian,” I say quietly as they keep glaring at each other. “And while I can’t promise to stay away from him, I promise to get your grandson back. So please help me help him.”

It’s late when Kai and I leave the Weaver mansion. Brian and Debra are still making calls and pulling strings, and while I’d rather stay there and make sure everything’s going according to plan, it’s obvious that our presence isn’t appreciated.

As a compromise, Nate remained behind to keep an eye on his parents and will send us updates when everything’s done.

At this rate, Sebastian will spend the night in the cell, all alone and cold, just like seven years ago.

The thought of what my father—and Akira—would do to him just to prove a point drops my blood pressure and makes me feel faint.

“Do you think they’re torturing him?” I ask Kai as he drives down a deserted road.

“Could be.”

The world closes in on me from all sides. My stomach churns and nausea assaults me in blinding waves. “Stop the car.”

Kai hits the brakes and I struggle with the handle before I nearly throw myself out. I use the door for balance to keep myself standing and suck in long intakes of fresh air.

It manages to chase away the nausea, but it doesn’t erase the constant ache in my stomach.

Kai appears in front of me, one hand in his pocket and the other offering me a handkerchief. That’s when I realize tears are sliding down my cheeks.

I wipe them away fast, not wanting him to see me this weak and out of sorts.

“You care about him that much?”

I bunch the handkerchief in a fist. “Why else would I sacrifice seven years of my life?”

“I figured it was because of Mio.”

“She’s not the only reason.”

“Why him? His family thinks so little of you, and not only that, your father was the reason he was orphaned.”

“We don’t really get to choose who. It just happens. Like it just happened that you saved me nineteen years ago.”

“That was neither coincidence nor fate. I decided to take action.”

“Then take it again.” I release a long breath, trying not to sound helpless or like I planned this all along when I allowed him to come. “Help me, Kai.”

His features remain unchanged, though he tilts his head to the side slightly as if that will allow him a better view of me. “With what?”

“I have something on Akira, an image I can threaten him with for the rest of his life, but I don’t have anything on my father. In fact, he has Mio to hold over my head. Even if I get Sebastian out this time, there’s no guarantee that he won’t kill him just to put me in my place. And I can’t…” I gulp past the lump that’s gathered in my throat. “I can’t live in that type of fear anymore.”

“I don’t see where I come into this.”

“You can give me something to use against him.”

“Let’s say I do have that something. Why would I hand my boss’s weakness over to you?”

“Because you care about me.”

“You flatter yourself, Ojou-sama. I care about no one. I’m merely curious.”

“You do care. It might not be conventional or normal, but you always have since that day you killed Sam to save me. It was your first kill and you told me yourself that act holds a special place in everyone’s lives. Yours included.”

“Let’s presume I do. That doesn’t give me a reason to divulge Abe’s secret.”

“Is my life reason enough?”

He narrows his eyes and a gust of air causes his long hair that’s tied at his nape to fly in the wind. “Your life?”

“The same life you’ve taken pride in saving all these years like you do with your hard-earned swords. I know you see me as some sort of an accomplishment, Kai. Probably the first thing you ever considered to have value. And I hate to end that just to force your hand.”

“Is that a threat, Ojou-sama?”

“No, I’m merely telling you how it will go if I don’t live with Sebastian. I love him, Kai, and you might not understand what that means, but for me, that love is what makes my life wholesome. I can no longer live away from him or be content with watching him from afar. So if you’re scheming with my father to shove me back with Akira, then I’ll kill myself and finish the life you take so much pride in.”

I’m breathing harshly, my limbs shaking due to the force of my words. Kai remains inert, unmoving, as if I hadn’t said anything.

“Well played, Ojou-sama. I knew I saw something in you even when you were nine.”

“Does that mean you’ll help me?”