Throne of Power (Throne Duet #1) by Rina Kent

That only leaves Sergei and Adrian inside, which means juicy business.

I wait until the front of the room is empty then I approach slowly. I don’t eavesdrop like an idiot in front of the room. That will give me away to any of the guards stationed nearby.

Instead, I stand in front of the hall mirror, retrieve my in-ear piece, plug it deep inside so it’s not noticeable, and then tap it. I got this gadget from my friend’s most talented hackers. The guards who sweep daily for bugs can’t for the life of them find it because it doesn’t really exist. It appears like a normal lamp wire.

There’s a small rustle from the other side before the voices filter in.

“What’s so urgent that needed all the others gone?” Sergei asks in Russian, voice low and tone perturbed.

“You’re the only one I trust with this information, Pakhan, especially considering the current circumstances.” Adrian, who’s usually so silent you forget his voice, continues in the same language. “Someone is stealing from the brotherhood.”

“What?” Sergei hisses. “Who has the balls to steal from us when they know the penalty is death? Is it one of our own?”

“I’m not sure yet. I still need to run background checks so I know the exact numbers. What I’m certain about is that a sum has been strategically transferred from V Corp to multiple accounts abroad for the last year. At first, I chalked it up to something unimportant, but in total, it’s close to one hundred thousand dollars.”

“Is it not related to the money laundering?”

“No. That is separate.”

“What do you suggest we do?” Sergei throws the ball completely into Adrian’s court, which isn’t so surprising considering he’s responsible for the Bratva’s security. Not only that, he’s also the genius mastermind of this brotherhood. The reason why they always slip through the authorities’ hands isn’t because of the four kings’ ruthlessness; it’s because of Adrian’s brains and strategic thinking. He usually finds the right influential men who will give them immunity.

He predicts solutions to events that haven’t happened yet, and that’s why he’s the best ally I currently have. However, that doesn’t change the fact that he will turn into my worst enemy in the future. As much as he keeps away from the limelight, Adrian’s loyal to this fucking brotherhood to a fault.

“Let Rai collect all the brigades’ financial reports and then send me a copy,” he says to Sergei. “I will be able to figure out if it’s from the inside.”

“You got it.”

“I will also need V Corp’s numbers.”

“Are you suspecting Rai?” Sergei’s voice hardens, taking offense on behalf of his grandniece.

“I suspect everyone, Pakhan. Family is not exempt from this. If my suspicions are correct, I—”

I cut off the feed on my own when I feel a presence watching me from the corner, then I pretend to button my shirt in front of the mirror, whistling joyfully.

“What are you doing here?” Vladimir stands in front of me, trying to intimidate me with his tall and broad frame.

Poor Vladimir doesn’t know that I could stab him in the throat in a heartbeat and he wouldn’t have a chance.

But that would be unnecessary violence, especially at a time like this.

So I grin at him. “What does it look like I’m doing? Looking at how handsome I am while waiting for my father.”

“Igor left.”

“Oh, he did? I didn’t know that since, you know, I was talking to Rai.”

He steps in and grabs me by the collar of my shirt. “Hurt a hair on her head and I will rip your heart out.”

I push him away, still smiling. “I see you’re still loyal to the Sokolovs—nice. But you don’t have to threaten me. I intend to cooperate with her.”

He narrows his ghostly eyes. “Cooperate how?”

It’s my turn to get in his face. “It’s a husband-and-wife matter. Stay out of it.”

I don’t know why I say that. Since I’m on a mission to be everyone’s favorite, I don’t want to provoke Vladimir. However, the way she was always close to him—and apparently, still is—pisses me off to no end.

Ask me why it pisses me off. Go ahead.

The answer is, I have no fucking clue, which is even more infuriating.

I step past Vladimir to leave when he says, “She’s not your wife yet.”

Stopping, I meet his flat gaze with mine. “She will be.”

I feel the words instead of just saying them, because there’s no doubt in my mind that she will be my wife. It’s not even completely because of the plan.

Rai will fall to her knees in front of me.

Just like everyone else will.



Concentration escapes me for the rest of the day at work. I can’t get my mind to focus no matter how much I try. I even go as far as taking breaks to meditate, but that doesn’t work either.

So I sit in my office, head lying back on the top of my leather chair as I stare at the library across from me.

Despite having the worst college experience, where I had to attend most classes online, I got my degree in business management. I didn’t need Dedushka’s last name to accomplish that. I did it on my own and with my own effort.