Throne of Power (Throne Duet #1) by Rina Kent

“Aren’t we already?”

We continue staring at one another, gazes clashing and bodies tense. I don’t know how long it lasts, but at some point, his hold on my neck turns less threatening and more…sexual. I don’t know when the shift happens or if it’s all in my mind, but my skin turns tingly and so do my thighs.

Kyle lowers his head so that his mouth is a few inches away from mine as he whispers, “You’re so fucking stubborn.”

“You knew that when you married me,” I murmur back, not able to take my attention off his lips.

“That I did. I just didn’t know how bloody insane it would drive me.”

“You can still leave.”

“I told you I won’t.”

My stomach flip-flops, shifts, and contracts as if butterflies are slashing straight through it. No, not butterflies. It’s something more potent.

I lean in close, and so does Kyle. When our lips are about to touch, the sound of a car pulls us back to the present.

Shit. I actually forgot that we’re in public.

This is why Kyle is dangerous to me. He can pull me into mazes of his own making, and one day, he might not allow me out.

The back door opens and a petite woman with soft features gets out. Her dark hair is tied into an elegant ponytail. She’s wearing a designer beige skirt suit and keeps the hand that wears her wedding ring on top of the other.

Lia Volkov, Adrian’s wife.

A sense of relief hits me at seeing a familiar face—as familiar as it gets. The last time I saw her was three months ago on Sergei’s birthday. Adrian keeps her hidden to a fault. She didn’t even attend the wedding. In all honesty, the only reason she came to Granduncle’s birthday was that it would’ve been disrespectful if Adrian didn’t bring her.

“I have to go,” I whisper to Kyle. “You can leave.”

He steals a quick kiss from my lips before he releases my throat. “Tonight, Mrs. Hunter.”

I don’t know what he means by that, but I don’t have time to press the issue since he gets in his car.

Ignoring him, I try to tame the flaming of my cheeks as I meet Lia. She smiles faintly at me, and even that appears sad. She has a generally wretched expression, like she’s constantly sad or haunted—or both.

Due to not attending most gatherings, the other wives don’t really like her much, and therefore, I’m basically the only resemblance of a friend she has.

“Long time no see, Lia.” I kiss her cheek.

She returns the gesture. “I’ve been a bit unwell, and you know how Jeremy needs a lot of attention.”

“I can only imagine. Is your baby boy doing well?”

Her expression lights up at the mention of her son. “He is. He’s so smart.”

“Just like his father.”

“Sort of.” Her voice is barely a whisper as we head to the building. There’s something odd about the way she walks that I’ve never noticed before. It’s mechanical, forced even.

When she catches me observing her, she blurts, “Congrats on your wedding. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.”

“It’s better that you didn’t. It wasn’t exactly safe. Didn’t Adrian tell you?”

“I figured something was wrong,” she says in the same forced way she’s walking.

I stop at the entrance and face her. “Is everything okay, Lia?”

“What?” Panic fills her eyes and her skin turns a pale shade of white. “W-why?”

I touch her elbow and she flinches, so I drop my hand. “You don’t look so well. Would you prefer to leave?”

“No. Adrian said I have to be here.”

“He forced you to come?” I all but shout.

“Please d-don’t yell, please,” she whispers, her hands flat-out shaking as she watches our surroundings. “That’s not what I m-meant…I…can you please forget the last couple of minutes happened?”

“Hey,” I soothe, “it’s okay. If something’s wrong, you can tell me and I will help, all right?”

Her gaze shifts behind us to where the guards are stationed.

“No one will say anything. I outrank everyone here, and whatever you tell me will be our secret. You have my word.” She still appears hesitant, so I smile. “You don’t have to tell me right away. Take your time to think about it.”

She nods once, and that’s when I notice a red dot on her forehead—a red sniper dot.

My muscles turn rigid, but I remain calm, my expression unchangeable. “Lia, don’t move.”

“Why?” She sounds as spooked as I feel.

I push her down and a bullet shoots straight into the door. A body slams into me from behind and smashes me to the ground.



A large body covers me whole from behind, and for a moment, I’m too disoriented to decipher what just happened.

I’m not hearing or smelling anything. My vision is blurry, and it’s almost like waking up in a white room without a recollection of prior events.

“Stay low,” the very familiar voice whispers in my ear, and with that, all my other senses kick into gear.

It’s like being wrenched from underwater and taking the first gulp of air. As my lungs burn, I realize I haven’t been breathing either. My ears buzz and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.