Throne of Power (Throne Duet #1) by Rina Kent

I smile a little. “You sure as fuck did. Can you walk?”

“Just…just give me a second.”

“Take a minute.” My tone is amused.

She narrows her gorgeous eyes on me. “Are you mocking me?”

“Why would I, my delicate flower?”

“You’re such an asshole,” she mutters under her breath as she bends down to slide her underwear up her legs.

She’s still shaking, her fingers barely functioning. I place her hands at her sides and take over the task of making her look presentable.

A part of me wants her to go out like this, with my cum dried on her thighs and her face looking thoroughly fucked, but the other big part, the one that wins, doesn’t want anyone but me to see this side of her.

She tries to protest, but I yank her hands down. “Stay still.”

I comb her hair with my fingers before I tie it with the elastic band at the back of her head.

At first, she remains as frozen as a statue, but then she starts fidgeting. All of a sudden, she grabs me by the belt. “I’ll help, too.”

She tucks me in, bashfully at first, like she doesn’t know how to do it. My dick twitches back to life at her inexperienced touch. Fuck me. That thing doesn’t know how to rest.

Rai zips up my trousers and does my belt as I finish cleaning up the smeared lipstick around the contours of her mouth.

Then we stare at each other, her hands around my waist and my finger at the corner of her parted lips.

“Why does it feel…normal?” she murmurs.

“What’s it?”

“This.” She tips her head between us, and I don’t know if she’s talking about her and me or the way we tucked each other in.

“Shouldn’t it?”

She shakes her head once.

She always gets on my fucking nerves when she does that. She’s still fighting and running away, even though I already have her by the throat—in every sense of the word.

“You were always meant to be mine, Rai. Quit fucking fighting it.”

“Then quit hiding from me.”

“I’m not hiding.”

“You’re running.”

“Yes, Rai, I’m running, and I’ll screw you over on the way. Is that what you want to hear?”

I expect her to yell back, to challenge me, because that’s what she does in these situations.

Instead, her voice comes out small. “What I want to hear is something about you—the real you, not whatever image you’re projecting to the world.”

“What good would that do?”

“Me. It’ll bring me closer to your side.”

“And let me guess, you still won’t completely trust me?”

“Not unless you prove yourself worthy of that trust.”

I pause, considering my options and formulating the best scenario. “I was part of an assassination organization.”

Her eyes widen, but she says, “I knew as much.”

“No, you didn’t. You only knew I was a killer for hire. The organization bit is new to you.”

“And how long were you part of this organization?”

“Since I was five years old.”

Her eyes droop, and I hate the look in those eyes.

“Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like you fucking pity me.”

She shakes her head frantically. “It’s not that.”

“Then what is it?”

“Nothing.” She pauses. “And then what?”

“Then nothing.”


“What? You’re not the only one who can use that word.”

“Has anyone ever told you you’re a major jerk?”

“You do that all the time. You have no competition in that department.”


“I know you’re addicted to my dick. You don’t have to remind me.”

Her cheeks heat. “No, I meant you’re a dickhead.”

“Does that mean you want to give my dick head?”

“Ugh. Stop twisting my words around.”

“Why shouldn’t I?” I smile genuinely for the first time in a very long time. “It’s fun.”

A bang comes from outside, and I stare at my watch. Ten minutes early—what the fuck?

Rai pushes away from me and runs out of the supply room, her trembling limbs long gone.

“Bleeding hell,” I mutter under my breath as I jog after her toward the dining room.

Chaos unfolds in the midst of the peace as armed men barge inside with their weapons held high. Women crouch under the table, squealing as every man gets his weapon out.

Rai stops in front of them, pats Anastasia’s head, and then says something to Stella and a few other women.

I think she’ll join them and make this mission at least a bit easy, but then she bolts upright, and motions at Ruslan. He passes her a gun as he, Katia, and Rai form a triangle and shoot at the men.

The fucking bravery of that woman always gets me.

It’s useless in this situation, though. Not only are the attackers wearing bulletproof vests, but no one in the mafia can match their level.

Rai jerks her head in Sergei’s direction.

The motion happens in a fraction of a second. I follow her gaze and see the exact moment her brain decides on its course of action. There’s a gunman aiming at Sergei, and Rai just decided she will protect him.