Throne of Vengeance (Throne Duet #2) by Rina Kent

Kyle steps behind me and lifts the zipper of my dress agonizingly slowly, as if he’s enjoying the act. Goosebumps multiply on my skin as his fingers glide up the middle of my back.

I bite my lower lip to not let out any reaction. There is no way in hell I’m giving him the satisfaction of seeing me react to him.

“You underestimate me, Princess.” His voice gains a low, dark edge. “You really underestimate me.”

“It doesn’t matter what you do. I would never fall for your charms.”

“You did the first time.”

“I doubt it.”

“Why would you?”

I flip my hair back, and even though I’m so tempted to pull it into a bun, I don’t. I only started that habit after my grandfather’s death.

Facing him, I stare him right in the eye. “Simple: you’re not my type.”

He smirks, but there is no humor behind it. “I’m everyone’s type.”

“Not mine, arrogant jerk, so you might as well divorce me.”

Kyle loops his arms around my waist, pulling me against the hard ridges of his body. I gasp as an unmistakable bulge presses against the bottom of my stomach. “That won’t be happening. Do you know why?”

“No, and I’m not interested in finding out.”

“I’m interested in telling you. I might not be your type, but you’re mine.”

Of course he won’t make this easy. I think of that and not the fact that he just said I’m his type.


Everything out of his mouth is a lie.

I try to wiggle free, but his fingers dig into my hip, keeping me in place and guiding me out of the hospital and toward his car. Katia and Ruslan follow after us, asking me silently if they should interfere, but I discreetly shake my head.

Sure, I can fight, act out, or feign another panic attack, but all of those are temporary solutions.

To make sure my plan works, I need to play his games.

The irony. It seems games are the only things Kyle and I will ever agree on.

He was always a step ahead, but this time, the ball is in my court.

This time, it’s his world that will be flipped upside down.



When we arrive home, Kyle has his hand around my back, his fingers digging into my skin as if he wants to make sure I’m indeed there.

Every step I take is a fight to not get caught in his touch or the way he sometimes strokes my skin as if he’s a doting lover.

Years ago when Kyle left and never looked back, I thought, with time, my life would return to normal, but months and years went by and I couldn’t go back in time to erase him. I already took a turn onto a one-way road and there’s no exit.

I guess a part of me will never be completely over the change he brought to my life. I can—have to—admit that so I’m able to move on with the rest of my life.

I might not have been able to make him disappear, but I can—and will—get past him.

Sergei calls us into the dining room as soon as we arrive. Kyle leads me inside with a grumble. “You should be resting, not attending to Sergei’s power demands.”

“He’s your boss.”

He pauses at the threshold, his expression blank. “No one is my boss, Princess.”

It’s odd how he used to say things like that in the past, but I seldom focused on them, on the truth and his real self behind them. I was in too deep to see the truth he offered subconsciously.

“I thought you were loyal to the brotherhood.” I feign nonchalance.

“Nah. I’m only loyal to you.”

Liar. Fraud.

I pull away from him and step inside the dining room. Sergei is sitting at the head of the table with Anastasia by his side. My grandcousin’s eyes are red and puffy as if she spent the night crying. Upon seeing me, she jerks upright and runs toward me. Then, she stops at the last second and stands in front of me. Which is much better than if she were to hug me. If she did, I wouldn’t have been able to play the role.

“Anastasia? Wow. You’re all grown up.”

She blinks. “So it’s true. You really don’t remember?”

“I’m sorry.” And I really am, because I have to make her believe I’ve forgotten about the last ten years of her life.

Anastasia shakes her head violently. “You don’t have to be. I understand.”

During the conversation, Kyle has joined me, standing by my side like a soldier. I don’t miss the way he’s watching my every movement. I don’t think he actually suspects me, but the way he looks at me with knitted brows and the twinkling in his cobalt blue eyes gives me the eerie feeling of being thrust under a microscope.

I continue talking with Anastasia after we sit down for a family dinner. Usually, Vlad or one of the others would join, but it seems Sergei gave instructions so it’s only the four of us. It’s on purpose, and Sergei has something up his sleeve.

He coughs, but it doesn’t turn into a fit. After taking a sip of water, he clears his throat and speaks in accented English. “It’s very unfortunate that you lost your memories, Rai.”

I pause sipping from the soup. “Yes.”

“However, it won’t end well if it goes on like this.”

“I agree.” Kyle peels a piece of lobster then places it on my plate like some doting husband. He’s excellent at playing the protective role and being there every step of the way.