Throne of Vengeance (Throne Duet #2) by Rina Kent

Mammy starts to climb the wall while I’m wrapped around her.

“Where do ye think ye’re going, Amy?”

Mammy gasps.

My head slowly follows the voice to stare at Daddy. His dark eyes shine in the night and blood trails down his knuckles ’cause he likes to punch people.

He looks like one of the angry men in that painting with angels.

Mammy hops down and holds me hard as she faces him. “Just let us go, Niall.”

“Let ya go where?”

I try to look at him, but she wraps a hand around my head to stop me, pushing my nose and mouth against her shoulder.

“Ye already know.”

“Already know what?”

“I just want to leave. We’re not safe!”

“Not safe? I gave ye everything. Everything. Ye were a nobody and I made something out of ye, and this is how ye repay me? Guess no one can change a whore, can they?”

“Don’t say those words in front of Kyle,” she whispers. “At least respect me in front of him.”

“Did ye respect me? Did ye fucking think of me?” he roars. “Take him, Luke.”

“Nooo,” Mammy shrieks as Luke snatches me from her.

I try to hold on to her with all my might, but Luke wrenches me with steel-like arms. Her hits and shrieks fall on deaf ears. I try to bite him, but he doesn’t even wince in pain.

“Mammy!” Tears fall down my cheeks and I wipe them with the back of my hand ’cause Daddy doesn’t like it when I cry.

She stares at me for a second, not bothering to wipe her face, then turns to Daddy. “Don’t hurt him. Please.”

“Ye are the one who hurt him when ye betrayed me, Amy. Once wasn’t enough, so ye stabbed me in the back two times. Now, ye will have to pay.” He stares at his other man in black, Patrick. “Take her away.”

“Please…please, Niall. I promise I’ll be good. I p-promise.”

“Ye made that same promise the other time as well, but did ye keep it? Did ye honor me like I honored ye? I should’ve listened when they said a whore will always be a whore.” He motions at Patrick with his head. “Lock her up.”

The man in black grabs her by the arm so hard that she winces.

My lips tremble and I twist against Luke’s hold. “Mammy! Mammy, don’t leave! Ye said ye’ll always be with me!”

“Shut it, Kyle,” Dad scolds.

Usually, I would listen, but I can’t tonight. Tonight, I want Mammy to hold me and put me back to sleep, even if it’s not in our new home. We can just stay with Daddy so he doesn’t get mad.

“Sweetheart.” She smiles at me through the tears. “It’s going to be okay.”


“Really.” She faces Daddy again. “I will tell ye.”

“Ye will tell me what?”

“All I know about the Russians’ attack. Also, ye should know there’s a traitor by yer side.”

He narrows his eyes. “Why should I believe ye?”

“Because I wouldn’t have wanted to leave if he weren’t a threat.”

“Ye will truly tell me everything?”

“Aye, but ye have to let me be with Kyle.”

“Ye will never escape again?” He doesn’t seem mad anymore, just…sad. But why? Daddy is never sad.

Mammy shakes her head once. “I won’t.”

“How do I know ye’re not bluffing?”

“I would never put Kyle in danger. Ye know that.”

“Right. Go on.”

She opens her mouth to speak, but it remains suspended with no sound coming out as a loud pop echoes in the air.

I hold my breath and my tears, not sure what just happened. A liquid pours out from the center of her chest, soaking the black jacket as she staggers and falls in Patrick’s arms.

“M-Mammy…?” My voice is small, hesitant. She’s not moving.

“Amy!” Daddy bellows, falling to his knees in front of her. “Get the fucker who did this!”

Patrick drops Mammy and runs in the opposite direction, but I don’t focus on him. The only thing I can see is Mammy on the ground, not able to move. Why can’t she? Is it because of the patch of liquid on her chest, which Daddy is squeezing?

“Mammy…” I call her again ’cause she always replies.

She doesn’t now.

Her head is lolling to the side and she’s coughing blood. That can’t be good. Mammy said blood gets out of people when they’re hurt.

“Amy…fuck…” Daddy holds her cheek tighter. “Stay with me…I’ll forgive anything if ye just…stay.”

“K-Kyle…” she mumbles.

Daddy motions at Luke, and he puts me on my feet beside her. Her eyes are half-closed as if she wants to go to sleep, but she smiles up at me. “S-so sorry, sweetheart. Mammy is so sorry.”


“B-because I couldn’t protect ye.”

“I will.” Daddy places an arm around my shoulder. “So don’t go. Kyle is the reason ye went through all of this, so it’s useless if ye die now.”

“Ye’re a good man, Niall. Ye truly are, but ye’re influenced by bad apples who clouded yer reason.” She places her hand on top of his. “I’ve never regretted making the decision to be with ye. Ye kept us safe as ye promised and…I-I’ll forever be grateful.”