Throne of Vengeance (Throne Duet #2) by Rina Kent

The door slides open again, and this time, it’s not the waitress. Kai walks in, followed by an old, short man who wears a pressed suit.

Abe Hitori. The leader of the Yakuza branch in New York.

Kirill and I stand in greeting, but Damien remains planted in place. Not only that, he also uses the chance of my standing up to grab the bottle of vodka.

I glare down at him, but he just sips from the bottle. “What? Surely they know how I am if they specifically asked for me. Right, old man?”

The motherfucker.

I curse inwardly, but I pause when Abe laughs, wrinkles forming around his eyes, then speaks in a subtle Japanese accent. “Always a black sheep, Damien.”

“I will drink to that.” He swallows another gulp of his vodka, then wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “Now, spare us the suspense and let us know why we’re here.”

“Patience, young man.” Abe sits beside Damien, and the asshole doesn’t even attempt to give him room.

Kai smiles at me in greeting before he kneels beside me in an upright posture that somehow appears reverent. He places a hand on my thigh. “Have you been well?”

“Yes,” I murmur as I remove his hand. “And that question doesn’t need to be asked while you touch me, does it?”

He chuckles softly. “I didn’t expect anything less from you.”

After the food arrives, a mixture of soups, noodles, and an exquisite fish dish, Abe and Kai unhurriedly dig into their meals. Kirill and I join, mimicking their pace. Dedushka taught me how to use chopsticks a long time ago. He said respecting other people’s cultures goes a long way.

Damien, though, digs in with his bare hands, still sipping from the bottle every other bite.

We need to finish and get the hell out of here before he disrespects them anymore.

“Sergei sends his regards,” I tell Abe.

He merely nods, still focused on Damien. “Say, are you betrothed?”

“What’s that? Some type of food?” Damien asks between mouthfuls of fish.

“Marriage. Ever thought of it?”

“Why would I?”

“Maybe you should.”

“Well, maybe you should.”

“I am married.”

“No kidding. And here I thought you were single for life.”

“I’m going to propose something.”

“Why are you looking at me?” Damien motions at me and Kirill. “They usually do the talking thing.”

“I’m not interested in talking.”

“Then why have you brought me here in the midst of my busy schedule? I have people to kill, old man.”

Abe smiles again. “What if I said I have an offer to make?”

“Then make it already and spare us the bullshit.”

“Damien,” I scold under my breath.

“What?” he shoots back. “I have shit to do.”

“It’s fine, fine.” Abe motions at me with a dismissive hand. “Damien?”


“I’m offering you my daughter’s hand in marriage.”

“Why would you do that to her?” Damien stares incredulously, then whispers, “Is she not really your daughter, so you’re punishing her?”

Abe laughs, the sound genuinely amused. “I like you, Damien Orlov.”

“Believe me, your daughter won’t,” I say before I can measure my words.

“Yeah, I agree.” Damien is still chewing on his food while he speaks.

“Let me be the judge of that.” Abe takes a sip of sake, a traditional rice wine. “The marriage is part of the deal. Take it or leave it.”

“Leave it.” Damien attempts to stand up, but I grab his thigh and force him to sit down, my nails digging into his pants.

I smile at Abe. “What he meant to say is that we’ll think about it.”

“We will?” Damien asks.

“Yes, we will.” I give him a knowing look, then direct it at Kirill, who takes his time savoring the fish before he speaks.

“We would be honored by such an alliance,” Kirill says in his suave voice. “I’m sure Sergei will be thrilled.”

“Yes, yes.” Abe slides a cup in front of Damien and pours sake in it.

“No thanks, old man. I prefer vodka.”

I pinch Damien’s thigh and he groans, but I don’t let go, mouthing, “Do it.”

It’s extremely disrespectful to refuse a drink, especially if it’s from someone older than you.

Damien rolls his eyes and takes the cup, downing it in one go before he shoos my hand away and stands, clutching his vodka bottle. “I’m out of here.” When neither of us move, the brute grabs Kirill by the collar. “You waiting for an invitation or something? We have shit to do.”

Kirill follows Damien’s lead and bows.

Dammit. They’re leaving together. No way in hell.

I follow their lead, bowing before I stand up. “I apologize for Damien’s behavior.”

“No, no.” Abe raises his hand dismissively, a small smile on his lips. “He’s an interesting man, yes?”

“You could say that,” I speak slowly. “May I ask why you wanted Kirill and me to join?”

“Kai said you and Kirill are more rational and would convince him.”