Throne of Vengeance (Throne Duet #2) by Rina Kent

Kyle clutches me by the small of my back and his hand digs into my arm to keep me upright. “What’s wrong?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“You should see a doctor.”

“There’s no need. I think it’s because of whatever they gave us.” I stroke his collar, lowering my tone. “How about you take me home?”

“I’m taking you to a doctor, Rai,” he says in his non-negotiable tone.

I shake my head as I let him carry me toward the car.

A doctor is the last thing on my mind right now. All I want is Kyle for myself.



Kyle drives me to the nearest hospital.

I tried arguing that I feel great and don’t need medical care, but Kyle being Kyle, he didn’t listen to those protests. Why can’t the mule understand that I would rather be in our bed right now?

While I did fight, there was a moment where I thought I would be raped then killed and would never see him again.

It doesn’t matter that none of that happened. The thought is already planted in the dark recesses of my psyche, and that idea killed me slowly. That thought broke my heart, which only beat back to life after I saw him again.

So no, a hospital isn’t where I want to go right now.

I want him to take me, to make me forget about the scum who put his limp dick inside my mouth. I want him to wash away everything and everyone so he’s the only one who remains.

But we obviously have different ideas of what I need. For someone so smart, Kyle can be such an idiot sometimes.

He’s currently driving. One of his strong hands is on the steering wheel, and the other lies motionless in his lap. Even his side profile exudes a potent type of masculinity. I’ve always loved watching him while he’s quiet and in his element. While Kyle usually has a huge amount of energy, it’s mostly camouflage. Now, he’s more relaxed, and I feel at peace when I look at him.

Well, aside from the tingling at my core that didn’t stop once we left the Albanians’ compound.

It should be wrong and demented that I want him this much after what just happened, but I do. I’m not even deterred by the stains of blood on his white shirt from when he murdered those men.

I have no right to judge when I’m a killer myself. Besides, he was strangely attractive at that moment when he showed his actual nature for me.

Kyle’s gaze keeps flitting back to me every now and then, as if he’s checking for something.

“What?” I ask.

“Are you really okay?”

“I am. And I would really rather we go home instead of to the hospital.”

“No. You’re pale and you almost fainted earlier.”

“It’s because I haven’t had a proper meal all day.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I was in a hurry in the morning, and I wasn’t exactly focused on food during the meeting with the Japanese.”

“Fuck, Rai. You need to take care of your health.”

I suppress a smile at how worried he sounds. Why do I like this feeling a bit too much? “I’ll pay extra attention in the future. Happy?”

“I’ll only be happy when you start acting on it. In the meantime, we’re going to the hospital.”

“Ugh. You’re infuriating.”

“Glad to be.” He pauses, his voice decreasing in volume as if he doesn’t want to speak. “Did they do anything to you?”

“They didn’t rape me,” I say quietly. “Or Sasha.”

“Then what did they do?” A muscle clenches in his jaw as though he’s struggling to hold on to his cool. “Don’t leave any detail out.”

“They…well, one of them tried to force me to suck him off.” My voice chokes at the end and I swallow. What the hell? I thought I was fine, so why do I feel dirty all of a sudden?

“Fuck!” Kyle hits the steering wheel, and I flinch at the sudden sound, even though I don’t usually get affected. I guess I’m more emotionally distressed than I thought.

He takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles, then speaks against them. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner, Princess. I’m so sorry.”

The feel of his lips on my skin triggers something raw inside me, and I shake my head even though a tear slides down my cheek. “The only thing that matters is that you did show up.”

“Not soon enough.”

“It was for me. Besides, Sasha and I saved ourselves.”

“What if you couldn’t?”

“But I did. I’m here, Kyle.”

“Was the fucker who touched you one of the guards I executed?”

I shake my head.

“I’m going back in there to burn him alive.”

“No need to. I already finished his life.” I puff my chest. “I shot him straight in the dick after I bit it off, and then I also shot him in the forehead.”

Kyle chuckles softly. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from my beautiful wife. I’m so proud of you, Princess.”

His words make me want to purr, to snuggle into his side and hug him—among other things. I’ve always been strong and independent and didn’t allow people close. Dedushka taught me that I needed to protect myself because no one was going to do it for me, but there are situations like these where I realize just how much I love having Kyle around.