Throne of Vengeance (Throne Duet #2) by Rina Kent

“You okay?” he asks, his accent thicker than usual.

“Why would you care?” I draw in a breath, then release it through my nose. I have no time for this. I should bribe Ruslan and Katia to give me tips on how to approach Rai without endangering my balls.

“I didn’t know.” He sheathes his gun under his jacket.

“You didn’t know about what?”

“You. Amy didn’t tell me.”

I throw my hands up dismissively. “Well, surprise.”

He watches me for a second too long without saying anything, as if he’s seeing me for the first time.

Is this awkward, or what?

“You were there that night,” I say. “The night she died.”


“Then why didn’t you fucking save her? You were supposed to—that’s why she called you.”

“We were in the middle of an attack, and by the time I got there, she and Niall were dead. There was no trace of you, so I thought you died, too.”

“I did, in a way.”

“I know. That’s why—”

“Save it.”


“This changes nothing, old man. The only father figure I have ever had is right here.” I point at Godfather. “He’s the one who taught me how to survive, even if it meant killing to do that.”

I expect Mikhail to show hostility, because he has that petty personality and tends to act up whenever things don’t go his way, but he stares at Godfather and says, “Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me. He grew up into a reckless bastard.”


Godfather wraps an arm around my shoulders. “When he was young, he was weak and always felt sick. The other kids ganged up on him.”

Mikhail stares at me with an expression I’m seeing on his face for the first time.


Isn’t that fucking ironic?

“Too much information, Godfather,” I mutter.

He ignores me and continues speaking to Mikhail. “But even though they were way older than him, he kicked, clawed, and scratched them. Who knew that the little boy would grow up to be one of the best we have?”

I clear my throat at the note of pride in his voice. I never thought Godfather would ever speak about me like that after all the shit that went down ten years ago.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there,” Mikhail’s voice holds a genuinely regretful note. “If I knew, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“Save your breath, old man. I don’t give two fucks about you or what you could’ve done.”

“I do.” He pauses. “I know we didn’t start off on the right foot, but I’m asking for a chance.”

“A chance for what?”

“To be your father.”

I scoff. “Don’t you have two sons already? Why would you want to add another?”

“Because you’re my eldest. My heir.”

“Like hell, I am. In case you haven’t noticed, I have no interest in the Bratva.”

“But you have an interest in Rai, yes?”

“Bringing her into this discussion won’t help you. In fact, it takes away brownie points.”

“If you’re strong enough, you can help her.”

“I thought you hated her.”

“I did, but only because she kept ruining my business. If you give me a chance, I will stop antagonizing her.”

“You’ll stop antagonizing her even if I don’t give you a chance.” I tower over him. “Mess with her and you’re messing with me.” I stroll past him. “I’m off, Godfather. I’ll be in touch.”

“Does this mean you agree?” Mikhail calls after me.

“Depends on your behavior,” I shoot back without turning around.

His guards step aside to make way for me, and I can sense how annoying this treatment will get in the long run.

Oh well, we’ll wait and see.

Right now, it’s time I get my wife back.



He didn’t follow.

He really didn’t follow.

I stand on the balcony for several minutes in case he shows up, but there’s no trace of him.

None at all. No call. No text.

I stare at the letter he left me that I tucked in my bag. Is that the last I’ll see of him? Really?

I ought to kick his ass for everything he made me go through. I gave him all the reasons to come back and at least talk to me. I went to him. I didn’t remove the wedding ring. I didn’t tell him he was an idiot for thinking that leaving is the solution.

I did it all, but he didn’t even follow.

Fuck him.

I’m about to go take a shower when commotion comes from outside my room.

My heartbeat skyrockets and I nearly trip over my feet as I swing the door open.

It’s not Kyle’s face that greets me. Instead, it’s Ruslan and Katia arguing with Lia, telling her she can’t go inside.

“What’s going on?” I try to hide the disappointment in my tone.

“You said not to disturb you, miss,” Ruslan says, “but Mrs. Volkov insists on seeing you.”

“It’s okay.” I smile at them, then her. “Come in, Lia.”