Hacking Mr. CEO (Billionaire Heists #3) by Anna Hackett

You can’t have any schematics. You’re just another fucking thief.

You don’t understand!!!

Sick of typing, Mav took a risk and opened an audio channel.

“I’m very used to frauds, thieves, and scam artists. You find a little success, and they all come out of the woodwork. They want something, need something, and they lie to get it. They don’t want to work their asses off, just expect to take what’s mine.”

Chest heaving, he waited.

The silence stretched on and he figured she wasn’t going to respond.

“I am sorry, Rivera.”

He straightened. A smoky, female voice. Brooklyn accent. His pulse leaped.

“You’re sorry I caught you,” he said.

“You haven’t caught me yet.” There was a heavy dose of sass in her voice.

“I will hunt you down. You are not taking anything of mine. I have the time, resources, and skills to hunt you to the ends of the earth.”

He heard her breathing come across the line.

“Man, someone was really mean to you when you were little. Is that it? Look, you wouldn’t understand, but I’m out of options—” Her voice hitched.

Mav leaned back in his chair.

“I don’t have any good choices,” she continued. “Only a really bad one.” She sighed. “I hate being backed into a corner.”

Mav did too.

“I hate that I have to hack your system and take something of yours. But if I don’t do this…”

God, just another sob story. He ground his teeth together. He should just track her down and have her arrested.

His fingers curled.

“Tell me,” he said. “Tell me who’s forcing you to do this?”




Maverick’s deep voice echoed in my ears.

God, I wanted to share. To unload this burden. I pulled in a shaky breath. No. He’d be the one to suffer from this.

“Like I said, I’m sorry. I wish things could’ve been different. But the life of someone I love dearly is at stake.”

“You said you didn’t have a boyfriend.”

“I don’t. You’ll shake this off. My…the person I love won’t, unless I do this. I’m so sorry. I have to go.” I lifted a hand.

“No, don’t.”

His voice stopped me. Nothing good would come from interacting with him, but I couldn’t make myself end the call.

“You got into my system,” he said. “Tell me how. I need to work on my security.”

“Actually, big guy, I had to sneak into your office to plant my angel.”

He grunted.

“But now I’m in here, I see a few places where you could beef things up.”

“Oh, really?” he drawled.

“Hey, don’t get defensive. You asked, and nobody’s perfect.”

He made a sound—part snort, part rusty laugh. I felt it in my belly. This man was dangerous.

I rattled off a few suggestions where his system had weak points.

“You know your stuff,” he said grudgingly.

“I do.” Crap. I needed to be careful that I didn’t give too much away. “Anyway, a few tweaks and your system will be rock solid. I mean, it’s good now…”

“Thanks,” he said dryly.

I closed my eyes. Right, me telling a tech billionaire that his system was good.

There was a blip on my screen. My angel had gone deeper.

It had gotten a hit on the Calix file.

I heard a muted alarm and realized it was coming through Maverick’s audio.

Oh, shit.

“Fuck. You’re after the Calix Project.”


“I’m a fucking idiot.”

His raw anger came across loud and clear, and my mouth went dry. “Rivera—”

“Once again, I let myself get fooled. I thought first you were just a gray hat, then some innocent being forced to do this.”

“I am!”

“Bullshit. You’re not just a thief out for a big paycheck, you’re a traitor.”

“What?” I breathed.

“A traitor to your country.”

I shook my head. “No—”

“The Calix Project is a government military project. To do with the entire system security of our military.”

I sucked in a breath. My chest hurt. “No.”

“You had to know, or you’re an idiot.”

“Hey.” I felt my own temper stir.

“Do you even know who you’re working for?” He made an angry sound. “They could be a foreign enemy, terrorists—”

My stomach turned. I felt nausea crawl through my body.

No. No. No.

I hadn’t let myself think. I pressed a hand to my churning belly. My hand shook.

“You’re not getting that project,” Maverick growled. “And I will find you, then I’m going to send you to jail.”

He cut the audio.

I slammed my laptop closed. My stomach twisted, and I ran to the bathroom and dropped to my knees by the toilet. I brought up what little dinner I’d eaten.

Flushing, and feeling miserable, I rinsed my mouth and staggered to my bed.