Hacking Mr. CEO (Billionaire Heists #3) by Anna Hackett

“Wait,” Wesley breathed. “Rivera?” He studied Mav’s face hard under the brim of the cap. His mouth dropped open. “Maverick Rivera. Oh wow, Remi. You’re sleeping with Maverick Rivera!”

“What the fuck?” Killian bit out. “What the hell have you dragged Remi into, Rivera?” His dark gaze locked on my face. “I found out about the fire. Are you okay?”

“So much for our disguises,” Mav grumbled.

“Killian,” I said. “I’m fine.”

“Wait,” Wesley said. “Killian Hawke from Sentinel Security.” Wes breathed my boss’ name like he was a rockstar. He glanced at me. “Are you sleeping with him too?”

My patience, which wasn’t that great to begin with, snapped. “Okay, Wesley, it is none of your business who I sleep with. And don’t ever track my phone again, or I will hack your computer and make you regret it. Understand?”

His shoulders slumped and he nodded.

“Killian, I’m fine. Mav didn’t get me into this mess, I did. He’s helping me.”

Killian reached for my arm. “You’re mine, Remi. You should have contacted me.”

Mav pushed up behind me, his big chest pressing against my back. “She isn’t yours.”

“Cool it, Rivera, I mean she works for me, so that makes her one of mine. I look after my people.”

Mav slid an arm around me. “Well, she’s in my bed, so that makes her well and truly mine.”

I cocked a hip. “Why don’t you just brand me? That should limit the confusion.” I tried to pull away but Mav held me tight. I released a breath. “I actually belong to myself, but Mav is helping me, and I promise things will be fine. Eventually.”

Killian stared at my face, then reluctantly nodded. He skewered Mav with a laser stare. “You’d better take good care of her or I will make you pay.”

Mav just grunted.

Jeez, the alpha male displays were half annoying, half sexy.

Then something finally clicked in my head. “Wait. How did you two trace my phone? I have it locked down.”

Killian frowned. “I got a tracking message from you, telling me where you were.”

Wesley nodded. “I did too.”

My blood turned to ice. “I didn’t send any messages.”

Behind me, Mav stiffened. “The Shadow got into your phone.”

“And sent a tracking message out. Probably to all my recently used contacts, knowing that bogus email address of his was there too.” My pulse pounded. “He knows where I am.”

Mav snatched my phone, dropped it to the floor, then stomped his boot on it.

It crunched to tiny pieces.

Killian crossed his arms over his chest. “I think you’d better share exactly what the hell is going on.”

I tasted bile. I didn’t want Killian in danger as well. “No, I—”

Suddenly, the front windows of the Starbucks shattered in a hail of gunfire.


I Just Need You


Mav leaped on Remi, pinning her to the floor.

“Everyone, get down!” he roared.

Beside him, Killian yanked Wesley down, shoving the young hacker behind an armchair.

More gunfire hit and more glass broke. He heard bullets thud into something nearby. Beneath him, he felt Remi shaking.

“We need to crawl away from the windows,” he said against her ear.

She nodded.

He lifted his weight off her, keeping his body between her and the window. They crawled across the floor, through her spilled coffee, toward the back of the coffeeshop. He saw other customers huddled under tables. Thankfully, no one appeared to be hurt.

Stopping, he yanked Remi close, keeping himself wrapped around her.

Closer to the windows, Killian rose cautiously. He had a black handgun clutched in his hand. He moved toward the door, peering out through the glass.

He glanced at Mav with a silent warning to stay, then slipped outside.

“God, is it over?” Remi whimpered.

“Just hold tight, angel. I’ve got you.”

She clung to him.

Killian was back a moment later, his gun no longer in view. “Shooter’s gone.”

“Thank God,” a customer cried out.

“I’m calling 9-1-1,” a barista shouted. “Everyone sit tight.”

Fuck. Mav didn’t want to stay here. He wanted Remi back at his place, safe.

Nearby, Wesley was sitting up, rocking a little. He looked shell shocked.

“Jesus, Mav,” Remi said. “The Shadow could have killed all these people—” her voice hitched “—just to get to me.”

He stroked a hand down her back. “It’s all right. No one was hurt.”

Killian knelt and handed out a key fob. “My ride’s out front. Gray Range Rover. It’s armored. Get her somewhere safe.”

Mav took the keys. “Thanks, Hawke. I owe you.”

“Just keep her safe.” Killian looked at Remi. “If you need me, call.”

“Thanks, Kill,” she murmured.

“Come on.” Mav helped her up. He hustled her outside, and as they headed for the Range Rover, it unlocked automatically.

As fast as he could, he got Remi in the passenger seat. Once he slid behind the steering wheel, he started the SUV and pulled out. The wheels screeched, and he forced himself to relax, hands flexing on the wheel.