Hacking Mr. CEO (Billionaire Heists #3) by Anna Hackett

I heard a ping. I smiled. “Jamming is down, we have phone signal!”

He leaned down and pressed a hard kiss on my lips.

Then Mav yanked his cell phone out and tapped in a text.

“I’m texting Zane. Now for 9-1-1—” he pressed the phone to his ear. “Yes, it’s an emergency. I’m Maverick Rivera, and I’m at Rivera Tech Park. We have a security breach, and a murderer on site.”

I half listened as he spoke to the 9-1-1 operator.

On-screen, I saw the assassin getting closer.

“Mav, he’s coming.”

Mav swiveled and looked at the screen.

“He can’t get in, right?”

A muscle ticked in Mav’s jaw.


“Fuck, we can’t take that risk.” He shoved his phone into his pocket. “We have to move.”


Jump and Live


Mav kept a tight grip on Remi’s hand as they exited the security hub.

Help was coming. They just had to hold on until it arrived.

“Where to?” Remi whispered.

“Outside. We’ll find a place to hide.”

Cautiously, they navigated the corridors and crept out into the main atrium. Night had well and truly fallen.

It was dark outside, but at least the lights were on inside. He paused and scanned. There was no sound.

He pulled her forward. He needed to get her safe. The refrain was a drumbeat in his head.

Get out of the building. That was the goal.

He turned, moving past a huge glass wall that cordoned off a hall and an open area filled with plants.


At her whisper, his head jerked up and he followed the direction of her gaze.

A tall man strode across the space, a gun aimed at them.

“Run!” Mav roared.

He and Remi sprinted.

Gunfire echoed loudly in the atrium. Remi screamed.

The glass wall shattered.

“Faster.” He shoved her ahead.

More bullets slammed into the wall behind them.

Mav leaped over a table. He saw Remi drop to the floor, crawling. The assassin was advancing on them.

Mav grabbed a chair and lifted it off the ground.

“Our deaths achieve nothing,” Mav said. “We’ve already shared everything we know about you with the authorities.”

The Shadow shrugged. “I’m The Shadow, and I don’t leave loose ends.” He glanced Remi’s way. “And I don’t let anyone play me.”

He had dark eyes, but the mask covered the rest of his face. There was no discernible accent in his voice. Mav suspected he wouldn’t recognize him in a crowd.

Mav swung the chair and tossed it at the assassin.

Next, Mav spun and yanked Remi up, shielding her.

They sprinted across the atrium, running toward a closed door. Mav hit the crash bar hard with his arm.

It didn’t open.


More gunfire behind them.

Fuck. He grabbed her arm and ran into the kitchen.

They ducked down behind a long bench. They needed another exit.

“There’s a back way,” he said, kissing her quickly. “We need to get out the door. Run as fast as you can. There’s a short hall, run past the fridges. Then you’ll see the outside exit.”

“You’re coming too,” she said.

“I’ll distract him first. Go!”

She took two steps. The assassin charged in, firing wildly.

Mav ducked back down, and prayed that Remi stayed down and got out. That was all that mattered.

Ahead of him, Mav spotted frying pans stacked on shelves under the counter. He grabbed two heavy cast-iron ones.

He leaped up and threw one of the frying pans.

It hit the assassin in the shoulder and the man cursed. Mav leaped onto the counter, slid over, then swung the second frying pan at the man.

It hit the man’s arm and gun, sending the weapon flying. It disappeared under the kitchen counters.

But The Shadow yanked out a second one.



Mav turned his head and his chest filled with concrete. Remi ran along the counter, and jumped.

She held a spray can of cooking oil in her hand. She aimed the aerosol at the assassin’s face.

The man grunted and threw his arms up for protection.

“Come on!” She grabbed Mav’s hand, and they sprinted back into the dining room.

“I told you to get out,” he growled.

“I know. I didn’t listen.” Her golden-brown gaze met his—fierce, defiant. “I like you, big guy. That asshole doesn’t get to hurt you.”

Fuck. Fuck. Emotion stormed through Mav.

They ran and turned down another corridor. Behind them, he heard running footsteps.

“He’s coming,” she said.


Ahead was a wall covered in greenery. One part was draped in vines.

“Here.” He dived into a tight space behind the plants, and pulled Remi in against him. He let the vines fall back into place.

Her wide eyes met his and he saw her fear. He stroked her jaw.


They both tensed.

The Shadow stopped, just a few feet away from their hiding place.

Shit. Did he know they were there?

Then the assassin walked down the hall and his footsteps faded.