Hacking Mr. CEO (Billionaire Heists #3) by Anna Hackett

“That can be arranged.”

Except for Mama, all my people were here. My family. My gaze moved over to Zane, Liam, and Mav. The three of them were unsurprisingly cradling heavy crystal glasses filled with amber liquid.

New friends.

And the love of my life.

Mav’s head turned and he smiled at me.

Ah, I never got tired of that smile.

His mouth moved. I love you.

I smiled, filled with love. I love you too, I mouthed back.


Mav was actually enjoying this party.

He stood up on the terrace now. It was cold, but Zane had braziers set up everywhere to ward off the chill.

There were also fairy lights strung up, and they made the place look nice. Remi had called it pretty and magical.

There was music playing, and some people were dancing. Remi was dancing with Kaylee. Aspen’s sisters were cutting some wild moves. Monroe was dancing with her brother, Maguire, and Rollo. He saw Aspen head off the dance floor toward a chair. She looked pale, and Liam said she’d come down with something.

“Good party.” Vander stepped up beside Mav, beer in hand.

“Yeah. I heard you’re heading back to San Francisco tomorrow.”

“Yes. The job here is all wrapped up.” Vander’s dark-blue gaze moved to Ace, who was frowning and tapping on his phone. “Ace is edgy to get home.”

Mav studied Ace’s lean face. “Woman problems?”

Vander arched a dark brow. “He’s not saying, but my best guess is yes. Which is interesting, as he doesn’t usually have woman problems.” Vander sipped his beer. “Seems the best idea is to steer clear.”

“I thought that way.” Mav looked at Remi. “I had a bad relationship once, and I did my best to avoid any entanglements after.” Mav smiled. “Then Remi crashed into my world and tipped it upside down.”

“I like my world right-side-up, thanks,” Vander said.

Mav tipped his drink to Vander. “Your brothers are both in love. And your best friend. One day, some woman is going to shatter that control you like so much.”

Vander scowled and shook his head.

“And you’ll fight the world for her. To make her smile, to keep her happy, to keep her safe, to make her yours.”

Vander just sipped his beer and looked unconvinced.

“Any news on The Shadow?” Mav asked, figuring by Vander’s expression it was time to change the subject.

“Felix Garcia, aka Leven Shen, aka Bronson Roberts, aka a whole bunch of aliases. He’s been whisked away by government agents. A lot of agencies from various countries around the world would like to get their hands on him. They’ve linked him to some murders, and some other ugly crimes. He’ll never see the light of day.”


“Rayner and a few other people The Shadow had contact with were brought in for questioning. Didn’t know anything. They were just convenient dupes when The Shadow needed lackeys.” Vander’s phone rang. “Excuse me, I’ve got to take this.”


Ace wandered over, still scowling at his phone.

Mav eyed Vander’s tech man. “Problem?”

“Just someone who isn’t returning my calls.”

“What did you do to piss her off?” Mav asked.

Ace’s scowl deepened. “We… Had a thing. She’s been avoiding me ever since.”


“She works for Norcross Security.” Ace blew out a breath.

Which had to make things sticky. Mav glanced over at Vander, who was still talking on the phone. “Ah,” he repeated, knowingly.

“We’ll be back in San Francisco tomorrow. I’m going to find her and work this out.”

He sounded like a man on a mission.

Vander returned. “Ace, change of plans.”

“What?” Ace asked unhappily.

“We just got a big cybersecurity job in New Orleans. Two weeks of work. I need you there tomorrow. I’ll get your flights changed so you can fly straight there.”

Mav watched the struggle of emotions on Ace’s face.

“You have a problem with that?” Vander asked.

“No.” Ace gulped more of his beer. “No problem.”

The clinking sound of silverware tapping on glass interrupted their conversation.

Zane stepped into the center of the space and the music stopped.

“Thanks for coming. It’s so wonderful you’re here to help Monroe and I celebrate. We’ve had a lot of upheaval lately. Thieves, bombs—” he glanced toward Liam “—blackmail, kidnapping—” he met Mav’s gaze “—hackers and assassins.”

There was a smattering of laughter.

“But my friends and I have so much to celebrate. For a long time, we just celebrated our business successes, but falling in love with an amazing woman has made me appreciate so much more. My family.” He nodded at his mother. “My friends.” He lifted the glass to Liam and Mav. “And the love of my life. Come here, Wildcat.”

Smiling, Monroe came forward, love all over her face.

There was a wolf whistle from a curly-haired blonde in the crowd—Monroe’s best friend, Sabrina.

“I have something for you, Monroe,” Zane said.

She turned to the crowd and rolled her eyes. “The man is always buying me shiny baubles.”