Secrets in the Sand by Carolyn Brown

            “Clance,” she mumbled.

            “Good night, Angel,” he whispered softly in her ear.

            Before he could straighten up, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled his mouth down to hers for a searing kiss.

            “I told you…” She sat straight up in bed, eyes wide open.

            “Hey…” He backed up and put up his hands like the victim in an Old West bank robbery. “You started it. I just stole one little kiss and said good night.”

            “Oh, I must have been dreaming,” she remembered. “We were…” she stammered. “Never mind.” She looked bewildered.

            “Never mind what?” he pressed.

            “This is crazy, Clancy.” She sat and patted the bed beside her.

            He sat down and took her hand in his. She reached out to touch the soft hair on his chest where the silk bathrobe parted, and the thrill of it inched up and down his spine.

            “Kiss me again. This time for real,” she said.

            “Are you sure about this?” Clancy asked.

            She pulled his mouth down to hers in a passionate kiss.

            “Angel…” His low voice was almost a growl.


            “Crawl in here with me.” She pulled the covers back and invited him into her bed. Tomorrow she might be sorry. But tonight, she was going to make love with Clancy Morgan, and the devil could have tomorrow. The future was a blur, the past was a mistake, but the present was theirs. Angel wanted to feel his body next to hers like she had on those hot summer nights a decade ago.

            There was no hurry. Neither of them was eighteen years old nor did they have to be home by midnight. They enjoyed long, exploring kisses until they were breathless. Clancy undressed her slowly, and the whole world stood still while they rediscovered each other’s bodies.

            Afterward, she curled up to sleep in his arms and he drew her close to his side. Was that closure? she asked herself as she drifted off to sleep. Or was it another heartache waiting to happen?

            Angel awoke with a start when the alarm on her phone buzzed at seven o’clock. She was still in the crook of Clancy’s arm, snuggled up beside him. Lord, what had she done? This was all her own doing. She’d made the first overture so she couldn’t blame what happened on him. Before she could get anything sorted out, he opened his eyes, smiled, and kept staring at her, making little ripples travel up and down her spine.

            “Good morning,” he finally said when she didn’t blink her green eyes. “Regrets?”

            She shook her head. “Not a single one.” But you might have some when we get to Tishomingo, she thought. A fling out here on the road is one thing. But Tishomingo is home, and nothing much changes there, except who’s on the hot seat when it comes to the rumors.

            “Me either,” he said and changed the subject. “This is Friday. We could give ourselves plenty of time and get home on Saturday night. Want to stop off in Shreveport and play on a gambling boat tonight, or go dancing?”

            “Let’s go as far as Shreveport and rent a motel room with one bed,” she said seriously.

            Clancy eyed her closely. “Are you serious?”

            “Yes, I am,” she answered. “But first, I’m having cold pizza for breakfast.”

            She threw the sheets back, picked up her clothes, and headed to the bathroom. “Save me a piece of that Hawaiian. It’s better than I thought it would be.”

            “I’ll make a couple of cups of coffee. Decaf?” he asked.

            “Nope, high octane and nothing in it. I’ll be out as soon as I tame this hair. How far is it to Shreveport?” she asked.

            “Too far.” He chuckled.

Chapter 13

            “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.” Angel felt like she had dozens of butterflies the size of buzzards flapping their wings in her stomach. She hadn’t been this nervous since the day she signed the final papers to purchase the building for Conrad Oil.