Secrets in the Sand by Carolyn Brown

            “Whew, close call.” Angel giggled when Mrs. Jones was out of hearing distance. “I like Mrs. Jones. She says what she thinks.”

            “Yep, she does. Don’t you remember her from church when we were in school?”

            “Clancy, I didn’t go to your church. I went with my granny to the Methodist church over on the other side of town,” she reminded him.

            People continued to arrive for half an hour and milled around among the tables, visiting as they waited for Sunday dinner to be served. Several stopped by to be introduced to Angel. Some remembered her vaguely; others didn’t. But in a while, she began to feel more comfortable. Then Tom clapped his hands three times to get everyone’s attention.

            “Merrie and I want to thank you for coming to share this special time with us.” He smiled. “We’re glad you are here. I know you’re all hungry and we appreciate you waitin’ while the photographer snapped a few pictures of us. He’s got a real strong camera. My ugly mug didn’t even break it! Now, let’s all form a line right here and start eating.” He took Meredith’s hand in his and led her to the food table.

            “Clancy!” his mother called to him across the pool. “The photographer is waiting for you and Angel inside. I told him to take a bunch of you two.” She pointed through the glass doors.

            “Let me freshen my makeup and lipstick. I’ll just be a minute,” Angel said. She headed toward the bathroom, and when she passed the den, she heard her name. She stopped and flattened her back against the wall beside the open door.

            “Janie told me that Melissa was pregnant,” one of the trio said. “And it’s not her husband’s baby. She went down to Florida to try to get Clancy to marry her again, but she found Angel down there with him. I hope his mother knows what Clancy is getting into.”

            “Oh, Meredith’s got her head so far up in the clouds, she wouldn’t know straight up from backwards right now,” the second one said.

            “Don’t knock it!” the third woman added tartly. “I’ve lived alone ever since my Frank died, and I don’t like it. If I’d known Tom Lloyd was lookin’ for a wife, I would’ve been out at that cemetery so fast it would look like a tornado headed that way. Meredith is a good woman and she was a good wife to that first husband of hers. He was a good man but a whole lot on the uppity side. Can you imagine the late Mr. Morgan out there on his knees doin’ yard work or lookin’ at Meredith like she was a queen? Lord, I’d lay down on the freeway and die a happy woman for just one day of a good man lookin’ at me like that.”

            “Don’t change the subject. Do you really think Melissa and Clancy are through?” The first voice sounded incredulous.

            “Of course they are! They shouldn’t ever have gotten married in the first place. I don’t remember Angela much. I think she was one of those kids who just blended in with the background in high school, but she sure doesn’t now. I’d love to have that figure she’s got, and I hear she owns an oil company. That probably makes her the most prosperous kid to ever come out of Tishomingo High School,” the lady said.

            Angel stifled a giggle.

            “In my opinion, Melissa has gone too far,” a third voice piped up. “She’s been a spoiled brat her whole life. It’s time for her to be accountable. We’d better get on out to the reception before the food is all gone. Those women with husbands should be through the line now and us old widow women can have what’s left.” She stood up and Angel barely had time to go on down the hall and get the bathroom door shut before she heard them making their way down the hallway.

            She checked the mirror and was only slightly surprised to see two round spots of color on her cheeks. It had been a long time since anyone or anything made her blush. She reapplied her lipstick and went back to the living room where Clancy waited patiently.

            The photographer looked across the room and smiled. “I don’t often get to take pictures of such a beautiful couple.”

            Angel blushed. “Thank you, sir. Just tell us what to do.”

            “How about here by the fireplace? And I’m just plain old Greg, no ‘sir.’” He pointed toward the fireplace. “Clancy, would you please stand behind her and put your arms around her waist?”

            “Gladly,” Clancy said.

            “Now, lean back just slightly, Angel,” Greg said. “Tilt your head just a little. Now look at me with those big, green eyes and don’t smile,” he said.