Secrets in the Sand by Carolyn Brown

            “We’ll be going. If you need us for anything,” Clancy said, “just call, and we’ll be here as soon as we can. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll be back in the morning. How long do you think they’ll keep him?”

            “Couple of days, the doctor says—if Red promises not to go to work for two weeks when he gets out. And don’t forget to call your mother and tell her Red’s okay. Today was a special day for her and Tom. I’m so sorry we interrupted it.”

            “No problem,” Clancy said.

            “If you need a place to stay or to freshen up, my apartment is just minutes from here,” Angel said.

            “I’m not leaving his side.” Anna hurried out of the room.

            “I want what they’ve got,” Clancy said when she was gone.

            Angel sighed. “Me too.”


            “Welcome to my city home.” Angel opened the front door when they arrived at her apartment and stepped inside. She flipped the light switch and motioned toward the dining room. “Just set those groceries on the table.” Then she pulled the drapes to let in light through the balcony doors.

            Clancy put the bags down just as rain began to beat against the doors. “Looks like rain follows us wherever we go.” He walked up behind her and circled her waist with his arms.

            “Sure looks that way.” Angel covered his hands with hers. “It’s just rain. I command that cloud, if it’s planning to produce a tornado, to go tear up something a hundred miles away from me and you.” She waved her hand toward the dark masses.

            “If I were those clouds, I wouldn’t test you.” He grinned.

            She turned around and slipped her arms around his neck. “I was so scared, Clancy, and now that we know Red is all right…”

            “I know.” He pulled her closer to his chest. “Seems like we’ve faced enough storms for a lifetime, but you know what they say… What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger..”

            “If that’s the truth, we should be able to bench press an Angus bull.” She laid her head on his chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart.

            “We’ve got a lot to do in the next few days. I need to call my boss and turn in my resignation, find an apartment, and…”

            “You don’t need an apartment. You can stay with me,” Angel said. “I’m goin’ back to Conrad Oil tomorrow morning for some peace and quiet. We’ll both be busy, and I want to see you whenever I can, so living here with me seems to be the answer.”

            “Thank you, Angel,” he whispered into her ear.

            “We’ll see how we get along when we have to work and come home cranky,” she said. “Which reminds me. I get cranky when I’m hungry, and neither of us got more than a couple bites of food down before we got the call, so are we going to order out or cook?”

            “You said you don’t cook.” He began to massage the knots from her back.

            “I can make a mean ham sandwich, and I know how to heat up a can of bean with bacon soup to go with it, but if you want cooked food, you’ll have to do it.” She turned and laid her face on his chest.

            “I can cook, but it’s not gourmet,” he admitted.

            “Then tomorrow night, when we’re sure that Red is completely out of the woods, we’ll go to the farm and Hilda will feed us. When she sees how happy I am, maybe she won’t put rat poison in your potatoes. You’ve got two hours to stop that wonderful massaging on my back.” She wiggled in appreciation.

            “We would really be starved in two hours if I keep this up, because it would lead to the bedroom,” he said. “If you’ll make the entree of ham à la sandwich, I’ll make the side dish of soup à la bean with bacon.”

            “Deal.” Angel reached into the first grocery bag and pulled out a loaf of whole grain bread and a package of ham. “Let the gourmet cookin’ begin.”

            “Why in the world do you live in two places?” Clancy opened the can of soup and rummaged around in the cabinets until he found a saucepan.