A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

Movement at the island grabbed Jacque’s attention, and she noticed Jen had jumped up to sit on the counter. Jen wasn’t looking at Wadim’s shirt or Peri. Instead, she stared a hole into the side of Zara’s head. Jacque could tell Jen’s wheels were turning. That was never a good thing. Jacque opened her mouth to say something to change the subject when Bethany and Drake walked into the room. Bethany’s eyes widened a bit as she obviously picked up quickly on the tension in the room. Drake was immediately on alert, glancing around as if someone was about to pounce on his mate. The poor wolf, he looked exhausted. Bethany’s eyes quickly zoned in on Jen, who hadn’t glanced in the couple’s direction, like everyone else had. She then looked to Zara, who was the other person in the room who hadn’t paid them any attention.

Bethany looked over Zara’s shoulder to Wadim, who was once again standing behind his mate, still eating his sandwich. “Umm, why does it feel like someone’s about to get schooled?” Bethany asked carefully.

Jen didn’t take her eyes off of Zara as she spoke. “Because I think it’s time for someone to be educated like you were, Bethy. Now you can share all the wisdom Jacque, Sally, and I imparted to you.”

“Do not drag me into this,” Sally said. “I’ve got like a thousand more lights to hang.”

“What she said.” Jacque pointed the spoon she was holding at Sally.

“Zara?” Bethany asked, her voice rising a notch.

Jen’s lips turned up in a much-too-satisfied smirk. “Yep. Girl’s night. Class is in session.”

“Wadim,” Drake said, but Bethany raised her hand and slapped it over Drake’s mouth.

“Maybe we let Zara decide if she wants a girls’ night,” Bethany said as she narrowed her eyes on her mate.

Drake wasn’t backing down. He gently removed her hand and placed a kiss in her palm. “With all due respect, mate, I think Wadim has a right to know what this class entails.”

“Nope.” Jen shook her head. “Girls’ night code. Sisters before misters. Hoes before bros.”

“Oh dear.” Sally sighed. “Here we go.”

“Chicks before—”

“Jennifer!” Decebel practically barked.

She glanced at her mate and batted her eyelashes. “What? I was going to say licks.”

Decebel pinched the bridge of his nose as coughs filled the room. “Like that’s any better?”

“At least mini-me won’t say the other word,” Jen pointed out.

“She’s got a point,” Fane said.

“What exactly does this girls’ night class entail?” Elle asked. “And why haven’t I ever been invited?”

Jen glanced at her. “Because you’re already educated. Although there’s always something new to learn.”

“There’s a book.” Bethany nodded as if she thought she was being helpful. Pregnant brain was alive and well with this one.

“I’m in.” Peri raised her wineglass.

“Me, too.” Crina grinned. Jacque nearly laughed when she saw Adam hold up his hand and give his mate a high five. Of course he would be in favor of her gaining more education on his favorite topic. It was good to see Crina looking so happy as Adam pulled her tightly against him. Thank the Great Luna that issue was fixed.

Sally cleared her throat, and Jacque felt a pull inside of her to look at her brunette friend. The healer’s eyebrows went up as if to ask: What the hell are you going to do?” Jacque shrugged. What was she supposed to do? Veto sex education?

“Yes, Luna. That’s exactly what you should do,” Fane said in her mind. His voice filled with humor, but she could tell he was completely serious.

Jacque took a deep breath and then looked at Wadim and then his mate. “Zara, we’re going to have a girls’ night tonight.”

Jen shot a fist in the air.

“But…” Jacque shot a glare at her bestie and then looked back at Zara, who had given Jacque her full attention. “The decision is between you and your mates on whether you’d like to join us. No pressure, regardless of what our resident nympho says.”

Zara turned and looked at Wadim. Jacque couldn’t see the look on Zara’s face, but she could see Wadim’s. His jaw was clenched, but he didn’t look angry.

“I assume everyone knows their assigned tasks today?” Jen suddenly said, drawing the attention away from the couple. Jacque was surprised, considering she’d only just a moment ago been so adamant about the topic. But she saw the list in front of Jen and knew that her friend had simply glanced at it and realized how much there was to be done between now and her so-called class.

“Yeah, about that. Can I just ask why we don’t let the awesome, cool, amazing fae pack members do the decorations?” Jacque said. “I mean, they just could snap and, boom, done.”

“Because that would be like buying a pre-lit Christmas tree.” Jen’s voice sounded sad. “Some of my favorite memories of Christmas are my parents trying to untangle the lights from the year before and then wrap them around the tree that they’d already put too close to the wall. It’s like a tradition. You don’t mess with traditions.”

“We could start a new tradition,” Sally offered.