A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

Bethany’s eyes jumped to Jen as she heard the woman growl. “I swear I’m going to skin that high fae alive.” She started to storm from the room but paused as she passed Bethany. “If any fae come in this room, stab them with your popcorn stringing needle.”

Bethany laughed. “I don’t think that will do much damage.”

“It will if you get her in the eye.” A moment later, Jen was striding out while yelling about all the unsavory things she was planning to do to a certain high fae.

When Bethany looked back at Drake, he was staring at her, his gaze intense. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Well, a lot more than usual, which was saying something because even before she was pregnant, her mate kept his eyes on her as much as possible.

“Drake, I love you, but you’re going to give me a complex if you don’t quit with the hovering, staring, and growling every time I move.” Bethany huffed.

“Give it up.” Jacque strolled in, a mug of hot chocolate in each hand. She handed one to Bethany, who happily dropped her popcorn string and needle. “Wolves be crazy when their mates are knocked up.”

“She’s not wrong.” Sally walked in after their alpha female.

“That’s kind of scary, considering they’re unstable before their mates are pregnant.” Zara brought up the rear of the trio.

Sally and Zara both sat on the love seat across from Bethany, while Jacque sat down on the floor, legs stretched out in front of her with her back leaned against the love seat.

“Drake,” Jacque said, sending a wink that Bethany’s mate couldn’t see with his back turned to Jacque. “Fane asked me to see if you could give him and Costin a hand with the sled. Apparently, three weeks isn’t long enough to put together the monstrosity that Jen has them working on.”

“Can’t one of the other males help?” Drake asked, his voice respectful but holding a bit of a growl.

“If you mean, Decebel, Lucian, Sorin, Wadim, and Adam,” Jacque listed off all the other males, except Gavril, who was on baby duty, “then yes, they can help, and are helping. Well, except Adam. Jen threatened to convince Crina to refuse his touch if he tried to use any fae mojo to help them with the sled. But the others are already out there. How many wolves does it take to put together a Christmas sleigh?” she asked cheekily. “Who knows, but maybe seven and a laughing fae is the magic number.”

Drake’s eyes met Bethany’s. She could tell he didn’t want to go, but she seriously needed some space. She’d been trying hard not to let that slip through the bond because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but she was pretty sure if he didn’t give her some breathing room, she just might smother him with a pillow. Maybe that would make him understand.

“I’ll be fine,” she said gently. “I’m only six months along, Drake. We still have three more months until this baby is going to drop out of me.”

His eyes widened, and a look of horror marred his handsome face. “It’s just going to drop out of you? We should get you a wheelchair. That way there’s no chance—”

Bethany’s eyes narrowed. “If you get me a wheelchair, I will not be held responsible for what happens to you while you sleep,” she bit out through gritted teeth.

Bethany noticed that the three females behind her mate were all attempting to stifle their laughter.

“Bethy,” Drake began again, his voice softer as he ran his hands up her calves.

“Seduction won’t work, Drake,” she snapped. “I’ve done everything you’ve asked. I’ve put up with your overprotective, overbearing—”

“Over-the-top, dominant, ass-holery,” Jacque offered.

“Yep,” Sally said, pointing to her best friend. “That. Definitely that.”

“Also unfair seduction tactics,” Zara added. When all eyes turned on her, she shrugged. “What? You all know Wadim and I completed the bond. Since then, I can’t win an argument. All he has to do is put his hands on me and I’m like, ‘Whatever you want, sir. How can I please you, sir?’”

“Uh, we’ll come back to that later.” Bethany motioned to the three females. “All of what they said. I have graciously—”

Sally shook her head. “I wouldn’t say graciously.”

“No,” Jacque agreed. “You’ve been a raging bitch, and I do mean that literally because you’re a female werewolf.”

When Bethany glared at them, Jacque held up her hands. “But you totally have the right. I mean, hello, you’re growing his baby. He did this to you.”

“Thanks for throwing me under the bus, alpha,” Drake grumbled.

“Just doing my part. Keeping it real.” Jacque lifted her mug as if to toast herself.

Bethany knew Jacque had just been trying to get her ire off of them and back onto her mate. It worked. “Yes, exactly.” She pointed at him. “You did this to me. I am the size of a house. I waddle like a duck, and I pee every time I move. So, you get to go build a damn sleigh.”

Drake sighed. “So, what I hear you saying is that you need some space.”

“You hear right.” She kept her tone firm, despite the fact that she wanted to take the hurt look out of his eyes. She knew he just wanted to protect her, but she had to stay firm or he’d stay glued to her side.