A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

Jacque snorted.

“I like you, history boy’s mate,” said Peri. “And because I like you, I will refrain from actually putting B.S. in your cute little pie hole.”

“I’d like to just throw it out there that I am appreciative of your self-control.” Zara eased over to where Elle stood and laid a hand on one of her outstretched arms.

Bethany was just about to grab Peri’s hand when her mate appeared out of nowhere. He swept her up into his arms—awesome werewolf strength—and strode from the room. “You seriously thought you were going to leave the bloody country without me?” Jacque heard Drake’s voice as they disappeared around the corner.

“She left the bond open.” Sally motioned to where the couple had just been.

“Amateur mistake.” Jacque nodded.

“Everyone on?” Jen asked.

“We are not a damn amusement park ride.” Peri’s eyes flashed with irritation.

“What kind of ride are you?” Jen’s voice was ripe with suggestion.

“Would anyone be too upset if Jennifer suddenly developed laryngitis?” Peri asked just before she flashed them from the mansion.

Chapter 10

“On the tenth day of Christmas my werewolf gave to me ten Jen cakes, nine werewolves prancing, eight laughing females, seven perfect kisses, six packs of Oreos, five satisfied smiles, four hours of hotness, three growling males, two cursing pups, and a furball in a fir tree.” ~Jen

“But really. Just wait. I can’t even.” ~Sally

“I thought you ladies were just going to pick up cakes,” Costin said to Sally through their bond.

“That was the original plan,” she agreed. “But the cakes weren’t all done, so we figured we’d do some Christmas shopping while we were out.”

“And you have so much Christmas shopping to do that you won’t be home until tomorrow?”

Sally did not miss the displeasure in her mate’s voice. “Peri and Elle will have us back in the blink of an eye. Literally.”

“Costin is not happy about this impromptu shopping trip,” Sally said as they stood at the entrance to a huge mall in Dallas, Texas.

“Neither is Decebel. When he asked me why the cakes had to be from Dallas, I told him ‘Because everything is bigger in Texas, duh.’”

Sally rolled her eyes. She should have seen that one coming.

All the girls spoke at once, expressing their own mates’ responses, which were all something along the lines of ‘What the hell are you doing in Texas?’, and then all of the females laughed.

“To be fair,” Jacque said, “we’d be mad if they decided to stay overnight in a different country without talking to us about it first.”

“Who said anything about being fair?” Peri folded her arms across her chest.

“Wadim keeps pointing out that we don’t have to stay the night since we have flashing fae that could bring us back in an instant,” Zara said.

A brow on Elle’s forehead rose. “He makes us sound like strippers.”

“That can be arranged,” Jen offered.

“Sally-mine.” Costin’s voice in her mind drew her attention from the group. “No stripping.”

She mentally scoffed. “Did you just mistake me for Decebel’s mate?”

“I’m also talking about strip clubs. The male variety,” he growled. “Or female. Or any variety for that matter.”

“What other varieties are there?”

“I don’t know,” he replied. “But I don’t want you to find out.”

“How did you go from Christmas shopping to strip clubs in a matter of minutes?”

“The same way everything goes to stripping when Jen is involved.”

Sally shrugged a shoulder. “You got me there.”

“Please, be safe.” His voice was tight with the worry she could feel coming through their bond. Her mate still had a hard time being away from her, and she understood why, but she also knew that she couldn’t be attached to his hip. It wouldn’t be healthy for either of them.

“My hip disagrees, as does my wolf,” he grumbled.

“I’ll be safe. Give Titus a hug and kiss for me. I love you. I’ll keep the bond wide open.” Sally waited to see what he would say. After nearly a minute—she’d counted—he finally responded.

“If anything feels off, even a little, promise me Peri and Elle will bring you back immediately.”

Sally felt his fingertips run down her face and one of his hands run down the middle of her back where her markings were. He wasn’t playing fair.

“I promise,” she answered, doing her best to ignore his attempt at physical coercion.

Sally mentally blew him a kiss and then returned her focus to the females around her. She could tell by the looks on some of their faces that they were still having conversations with their mates through their bonds. Those who were still talking looked irritated. The ones who’d finished appeared eager to get their Christmas shopping on.

“All right, ladies,” Jacque said as she motioned everyone to gather closer. “I think we should divide into two groups with a fae in each one. We can cover more ground that way.”