A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

“I pick my battles,” Peri responded.

“And he threatened to let a chick give him a massage, didn’t he?” Jen said with a laugh.

Peri muttered something under her breath. It didn’t sound complimentary.

Within twenty minutes, they were all dressed and seated in the fancy hotel restaurant. Jen practically salivated, staring at the menu. “I say we order it all.”

Jacque pulled out a black credit card and slapped it down in the middle of the table. “Let’s do our worst.”

Their worst took the better part of three hours. After it was all said and done, they’d not only ordered at least one of everything on the menu, but two of most of the desserts. Now, the women were leaning back in their chairs, hands resting on their stomachs. Groans could periodically be heard coming from each of them.

“Why did you guys let me eat so much?” Sally laid her head on Elle’s shoulder.

“Because we were all scared to come anywhere near the hand that was shoveling food into your mouth. You growled whenever any of us even reached for a plate close to you,” Rachel told her, a small smile on her lips.

“I didn’t.” Sally shook her head.

“Totally did,” Jen agreed with Rachel.

Sally looked a little sheepish. “I was hungry. It was a long day.”

“It has been a long day, but a fun one,” Jacque looked around the group, her eyes landing on Jen. She winked at her friend, and Jen smiled. She couldn’t disagree. Even with their mates going all caveman on them, which was kind of sexy though she’d never admit it, it had been a great day.

“I say we get some sleep, and then tomorrow we can go get the awesome cakes and head home before our men come hunt us down,” Jen suggested.

Laughter erupted. They knew she was not wrong, and nods of agreement went around the table as they stood up. Peri snapped her fingers, and a large amount of money sat in the middle.

“After the mess we made, the waitress deserves an amazing tip,” the high fae said. Peri wasn’t wrong. It looked like a litter of wolf pups had gone to town on the table instead of eight grown women. Jen figured once the waitress saw the large sum of cash waiting on her, she wouldn’t care one bit.


Elle said her goodnights to all the other females, and they each headed into the rooms that filled the massive suite Peri had procured for them. The living area was littered with bags and bags of presents, but they were all so tired that they didn’t even stop to talk about what they’d bought or who they’d bought for. She was exhausted, which was kind of funny considering she was a fae warrior who’d fought in more battles than she could count. But one day of shopping and seven other chattering females wiped her out.

“Have you had fun?” Sorin’s voice nearly caused her to jump out of her skin. She turned to find him leaning against the doorframe that led to the bathroom. She was so tired that she hadn’t even picked up on the fact that he’d closed the mate bond down to a low hum, but it was blaring wide open now that he’d revealed himself.

“Let me guess. Adam?”

He shrugged a shoulder at her. “Canis lupus males don’t like sleeping apart from their mates.”

“What about Thia, Slate, and Titus?” She knew there was no way Decebel, Costin, or Fane would have left the children behind, even if Drake and Bethany were still at the mansion.

“They’re here.” His voice was a deep rumble as his eyes roamed over her. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to finish your massage.”

Elle snorted. “Liar.”

His lips turned up slightly. “Regardless.” He pushed off the wall and prowled slowly across the room like a wolf hunting his prey. “I’d like to make it up to you.”

Elle’s eyes narrowed. “You’re here to give me a massage and then let me sleep?”

“Something like that,” he teased.

She shook her head at her mate, and a shiver of anticipation made its way down her body. Elle didn’t know if she’d ever get used to the way Sorin made her feel. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, and she was careful to keep those thoughts closed down tightly. She’d found out quickly that he and his wolf, though they knew she had a past, didn’t appreciate it when she compared them to previous relationships—not that she was comparing them in any way other than as to the emotions her mate evoked.

Elle had never imagined she would have such devotion from a male. She’d never considered she could feel so strongly for one person. When he said that the males of his race didn’t like to sleep apart from their mates, she completely understood. She hated the idea of sleeping apart from him, too. Considering that when she’d first realized they were true mates, she’d sort of freaked out, Elle was now shocked she couldn’t stand the idea of being without him.

“Come here, mate.” Sorin held out his hand when he was halfway to her.

Elle’s feet moved before she even had time to register his words. Her hand slipped into his, and he sighed as he pulled her tightly against him. Sorin buried his face in her throat and breathed deeply. He spoke words in his native tongue, words that made Elle blush. A supernatural being that lived as long as she had knew many other languages, including Romanian. She never tired of hearing him speak to her in his language. It provoked an intimacy between them that made her think of the bond they shared mentally.