A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

“Trevor,” Jen said dryly, “tell Aunt Jacque why you’re biting off wolf heads with these two delinquents.”

Titus, who was wearing an exceptionally ugly Christmas sweater that was probably causing Jen to twitch, looked up at Jacque. “I didn’t want them to get in trouble on their own. We’re pack. We’ve got to stick together.”

“And that’s why none of them are getting whacked with a spoon,” Jen said. “How can I punish them for having each other’s backs?”

Jacque walked over and gave Titus a hug. “You’re an awesome pack mate, Titus. Thank you for wanting to protect Thia and Slate.”

Titus shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll be protecting them from Aunt Jen a lot. Might as well get some practice in.”

“What you need to be practicing is your hunting skills, dude. Gavril is doing a crap job.” Jen picked up a headless wolf and started putting icing on it.

“Or I’m so good that I’m purposely making you think I’m bad,” he said and then went back to humming.

Jen paused and glanced at him through narrowed eyes. “Just remember who will slip you candy when your parents say no.”

“Duly noted.” He gave her a decisive nod.

Jacque snorted and then picked up a headless wolf and grabbed an abandoned knife and started icing it.

“Any reason there are eleven dozen and not twelve dozen?”

Jen snorted. “Yes, her name is Bethany, and she’s an emotional-eating, thieving she-wolf who needs her pregnant-sized ass spanked.”

Jacque’s mouth dropped open in an O shape, and her eyes widened.

“Is she still griping about the freaking cookies I ate?” Bethany waddled in, grumbling.

“Yes. She is,” Jen snapped. “We’ve got a mansion full of hungry wolves, literally, three weird kids that are obsessed with beheading the cookies, and a prego who can’t keep her paws to herself. Forgive me if I’m just a little irritated.”

“Look on the bright side.” Sally entered behind Bethany. “She could have eaten two dozen.”

“And would have if her mate hadn’t caught her and carried her out of here. All the while, she was pointing at the cookies with her mouth already full. She gave him puppy dog eyes, trying to get him to swipe her some more.” Jen’s lips twitched a bit, as if trying not to smile.

“I imagine that was quite a sight.” Jacque laughed.

“I got pictures,” Zara sang as she strolled into the kitchen, which was quickly filling up with people. The smell of freshly baked cookies was drawing wolves like flies.

Jen glanced up and realized she had an audience of at least forty people. She tossed down the knife and said, “New tradition. Everyone decorates their own headless wolves on Christmas Eve.”

“Head!” Thia yelled as she bit off another one and then held up the body of the wolf. Chuckles filled the room as pack members crowded around the large island where the cookies were resting.

Jacque grabbed some more butter knives and then stepped back, watching as Titus showed different people how to spread the icing. Slate kept trying to grab anyone’s cookie who dared get too close to his little chubby hands, and Thia entertained everyone with her rendition of “Jingle Bells.”

Jen and Sally came up on either side of Jacque and leaned against the counter where she stood.

“Judging by the fact that no one is rolling on the floor yet, I’d wager you haven’t unboxed the cakes?” Jacque asked.

“Or the wall pictures showing the wolf-deers pulling the sleigh,” Sally added.

“One moment at a time, ladies,” Jen said. “This is the headless Christmas cookie moment.” Her voice was full of nostalgia as they watched their pack laugh, talk, and pass around cookies, which were proving to be very popular despite being headless and already bitten by three little wolves.

As pack members continued to retrieve their snacks, Cyn and Thalion appeared in front of the three ladies.

Jen pursed her lips at the fae and elf prince. “If I wasn’t so tired, I’d gripe at you about flashing right in front of my face.”

Cyn simply smiled and then said, “I’ll be right back.” A moment later, she reappeared with Lilly in tow. Then she was gone again. When she returned this time, she had Dillon and Tanya with her. They’d barely showed up when Cyn flashed again and then returned with Cindy and Chris Morgan.

Jacque knew the smile on her face was ridiculously big as she hugged her mom and then her dad. “Thank you,” she said to Cyn as she passed out hugs to the newly arrived guests. “I know y’all might have had your own plans for Christmas, but I’m glad you came tonight.”

“Thank you for inviting us.” Thalion wrapped an arm around Cyn. “We are honored to be a part of the celebrations.

“Also”—Cyn cleared her throat—“Jen’s invitation didn’t leave much room for discussion.”

Jacque glanced at her BFF. “Do I want to even know?”

Jen’s face scrunched up as she shook her head. “Definitely not.”

“The kitchen looks very, well, festive.” Lilly glanced around the flour-covered room. Her eyes lit up when they landed on Slate. She pointed to her grandson. “I’m going to go save that cookie from Slate.”