A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

Sally nodded. “Exactly.”

The high fae ran her finger across her jaw. “How would that information help us kill bad guys and save the world?”

Bethany opened her mouth to speak, but then snapped it shut. Sally held up a finger as she pressed her lips together, her eyes narrowed in thought. Finally, she said, “I got nothing.”

Jen laughed, but then abruptly stopped when Bethany swung her legs off her mate’s lap.

“Well, if two people hugging doesn’t equal a group hug, then three certainly will,” Bethany huffed as her swollen feet finally hit the floor.

“Is this sudden, irrational need for girlfriend camaraderie related to her pregnancy?” Drake tried to keep Bethany from attempting to stand. Jacque could tell he was trying to be gentle, but Bethany kept slapping his hands away, which wasn’t helping things.

“How many times do we have to tell you not to blame anything on the pregnancy?” Decebel exhaled and shook his head. Jacque glanced at him and snorted while Thia tried to place an empty box over his head.

“She blames stuff on the pregnancy all the time.” Drake placed his hands on either side of Bethany’s hips, trying to hold her in place.

“She’s allowed,” Jacque said. “It’s one of the rules of pregnancy.”

“They need to write a book about this crap,” Bethany’s mate grumbled under his breath.

Jen laughed. “Dude, there’s no less than ten thousand books on the subject of pregnancy. It’s called the Internet. Step out of the dark ages and join the light.”

“Or you could just listen to Aunt Jen.” Titus was playing with construction blocks on the floor at Bethany’s feet. “She says all the time that she refuses to get pregnant again because her stomach and thighs look like a road map, and her girls definitely have more sag in them than before.”

The room went silent as all heads turned to look at the four-year-old. Titus continued playing, apparently oblivious to his shocked audience. Jacque turned to look at Jen. Her blonde best friend chewed on her lips, eyes narrowed as she stared at Titus. Everyone seemed to hold their breath, waiting to see what would happen.

Finally, Jen threw her hands in the air. “All right, I admit it. Your hunting skills have improved, Timber. I’ve only ever whined about those things when it’s been me, myself, and a mirro…” Jen paused as something appeared to dawn on her. Jacque’s eyes widened as well. “Dude, I was not fully clothed,” Jen growled.

Titus shrugged. “Yeah, you need to remember to lock your doors, Aunt Jen.” He didn’t miss a beat as he added, “You never know when there’s a big, bad wolf standing just outside.”

“Gavril!” Jen snapped at the same time that Bethany finally disengaged her mate’s hands and pushed herself up.

“Finally,” the pregnant wolf huffed.

She took one step and then froze.

Titus’s back straightened, and he went still. Then he slowly looked over his shoulder and down at something Jacque couldn’t see. “Aunt Bethany, I think you just peed on me.”

Bethany’s feet squelched in saturated carpet. She heard Titus say something about peeing, but the only thing she could process was that her water couldn’t possibly be breaking. It was much too soon, which she promptly voiced out loud. “It’s too soon!” Her head whipped around to look at Drake. His eyes were locked on her bare calves. She could still feel water running down them.

“Okay, nobody panic.” Jacque jumped to her feet. “This isn’t our first rodeo.”

“And it certainly isn’t our most dangerous birthing situation,” Jen added. “I gave birth in a—”

“Cave,” Sally, Peri, and Jacque all said at the same time.

“We know, Jen,” Peri said. “You won’t let us forget it.”

“Crina, get towels,” Jacque commanded. “Rachel and Sally, get ready to do whatever it is you healers do in these circumstances. Elle, blankets and pillows. Zara, warm water and washcloths.”

Bethany stood petrified while everyone hopped into action around her, though the males seemed frozen in their spots, too, staring at her as if she’d suddenly become Medusa and turned them all to stone. “It’s too soon,” she whispered this time, and then doubled over when her stomach tried to twist itself into a knot.

Drake jumped up, released from his frozen stupor by the look of pain on Bethany’s face. “Is this a Brix Hackston?” His voice was guttural with worry and his wolf.

“Okay, first, that’s not a thing.” Jen began laying down the blankets and then towels that Crina and Elle delivered. “Second, once the water breaks, the contractions are as real as it gets. No more fakies.”

“So, the baby is coming?” Drake asked. Bethany growled in pain and barely kept herself from snapping at him, “What was your first clue?” Labor Bethany wasn’t any nicer than pregnant Bethany.

“Yes, Drake.” Jacque looked him squarely in the eyes. “That baby is coming, and your mate needs you.”

This seemed to jolt him out of his momentary lapse in badassery. He swept Bethany up into his arms and laid her down where Jacque directed.

“Drake, get behind her. Bethany, lie back against his chest. In a minute, you will need to help hold her thighs up and apart.”