A Grey Wolves Howliday (The Grey Wolves #14) by Quinn Loftis

“You haven’t known her as long as I have. Believe me, the repercussions wouldn’t be worth it.”

“We’re happy to take the kids,” Rachel said, breaking the glare Sally was shooting her best friend. Rachel walked across the room to Fane and held out her hands, an enormous smile on her face. The older healer’s voice sounded so genuine, and the usually stoic Gavril actually had a small grin on his face as he knelt down to meet Titus, who had scurried over to him. Sally hadn’t even realized he’d left their side because she’d been distracted by her inner tantrum. She sighed, thankful for Rachel and Gavril’s willingness to look after her boy, regardless of any dangerous behavior Titus might be learning.

“Next,” Jen continued. “Costin and Fane.” A grin spread across the blonde’s face that made Sally think of the Joker from one of the Batman movies … disturbing. She felt Costin fidget next to her. “You two—awesome furballs that you are—get to be the sleigh squadron.”

Sleigh squad? Sally frowned. That didn’t sound bad.

“So we’re what, building a sleigh?” Fane asked.

Jen cleared her throat as she nodded and made a mark on her list. “Yep, pretty much.”

“Whoa, ‘pretty much,’ and ‘yes, you’re building a sleigh,’ are not the same thing,” Costin said. It was clear he knew she wasn’t telling them everything.

“Well, you aren’t just going to build it.” Jen sighed. “You’ve got to paint it, decorate it, and make it look all Christmasy.”

Costin glanced at Fane, who was looking back at him. Neither of them appeared convinced that was the entire job. Smart males.

“Decebel, Adam, and Lucian, you’re on the tree squadron. Wadim and Sorin, ODLD squadron.”

“Oh crap, she’s busting out the acronyms.” Jacque groaned.

“Mm, it’s getting real,” Sally muttered.

“I’m kind of scared to ask,” Wadim said. “But what does ODLD stand for?”

Jen huffed. “I don’t have time to go into the details of each squad’s assignment. There are printed directions for each squadron, telling you everything you need to know. They are laminated for your convenience.”

“And so she doesn’t have to print them off again when we spill eggnog on them,” Crina said.

“Good one.” Sally laughed.

Jen ignored the commentary. “Jacque, Crina, Zara, and Sally, you’re on IDLD squadron.”

“Yeah,” Sally said in a pathetic voice. “How did you know that’s the one I was hoping for?”

“Shut it, gypsy, or I’ll put you on latrine duty,” Jen growled.

“Pretty sure we don’t have latrines.” Costin leaned back against the fridge.

Jen raised her eyes to look at him. “Really? Where do wolves poop? Pretty sure the entire forest around this mansion is one big furbutt latrine.”

Sally narrowed her eyes on Jen. “I’ve changed my mind, Costin. Gavril has my complete blessing to teach Titus any and all necessary hunting tactics to take down his prey.”

Jen once again ignored the remark, turning her attention back to her list. “Oh, and Zara, you’ve also got double E duty.”

Sally glanced at Zara, who appeared quite confused.

Wadim pulled his mate to his side, “If Zara has double anything, it’s double Ds. They’re perfect, and they’re all mine.”

Zara landed a perfect elbow to Wadim’s kidney. He grunted but didn’t release her.

Jen rolled her eyes. “Okay, boob man, I wasn’t talking about her girls. Double Es are eyes and ears, history boy. She’s my eyes and ears.”

Wadim seemed confused for a minute, probably stuck on the word “boob” and the images it no doubt conjured in his mind. After a second, he laughed. “Babe, you’re the snitch. You’ve got to run and tell on us when we aren’t doing our jobs up to the blonde taskmaster’s expectations. You know what they say about snitches?”

Zara glared up at him. “That they dig ditches—”

“No, it’s um, they get stit—” Wadim started to interrupt.

Zara’s voice rose to speak over him. “For their soon-to-be-dead mates?”

“And that’s why she’s my new favorite.” Jen smiled.

Sally glanced at Jacque. “We need to explain to Zara why being Jen’s favorite anything is not good.

“Not good at all,” Jacque agreed.

“Elle, Peri, and myself,” Jen went on, “are on the P&D squadron.”

“Knowing your mind, I really hope that doesn’t mean what just popped into my head,” Peri said at the same time Sally took a drink of her orange juice. She should have known better than to be drinking anything while Jen was speaking. A laugh burst out of her lips just as she pulled the cup away from her mouth, and everyone within a six-foot radius got sprayed. She coughed and tried not to inhale the drink into her lungs as she laughed.

Jacque patted her on the back, rather pathetically, Sally noted, and said, “I hope that does mean what Peri thinks it does.”

Sally wiped her mouth and took the hand towel Costin held out to her. “Knowing her devious mind, it probably has something to do with the payback she’s planning for me and Fane,” he growled.