A Good Day for Chardonnay (Sunshine Vicram #2) by Darynda Jones

He looked away, unconvinced.

“Cruz,” she said softly, “why didn’t you tell us about your dad?”

He pressed his mouth together, then said, “They would’ve taken me away. Probably would’ve sent me to my dad’s foster dad in the Switch, but only if he had wanted me. He’s getting too old to take in foster kids. Hasn’t had any in years.”

“And you’re afraid you’ll be a burden.”

“I know I will be. Besides, it’s really far away.” He glanced at Auri’s sleeping face, then looked away as though he didn’t want Sun to know the real reason he wanted to stay. “If not, they’ll send me to a children’s home, most likely, and the closest is in Las Vegas.”

“Well, I have an idea. I’m looking into it, okay?” She didn’t want to promise him anything in case the state wouldn’t allow Cruz to stay with Quincy.

He nodded. Just barely.

Unable to help herself, she brushed his hair off his brow. “No matter how this turns out, I am so sorry, Cruz. I can’t imagine what you went through. How alone you must’ve felt.” When a familiar wetness gathered between his lashes, she bent over the kids and kissed them both.

Auri, who’d been awake through the whole conversation because she squeezed Sun’s hand thanking her, smiled sleepily.

When Sun woke up the next morning to the sound of nurses checking on the kids, she opened her eyes to the most beautiful sight in the world. Levi Ravinder on one side of the bed, dozing beside her daughter, and Quincy Cooper on the other, dozing beside Cruz. Auri was in bed with Cruz again, but they were about to kick her out to change his bandages.

Cruz was awake, his gaze heavy lidded but alert. He was studying Quincy, as though trying to figure him out. She’d often done the same.

Since the nurses were nanoseconds away from waking them up, Sun stood, walked over to Levi, and pressed her mouth to his. He was so darkly handsome, she had to steal a quick kiss before he woke up. Either women kissed him in his sleep often or he hadn’t been asleep after all.

He returned the kiss immediately, going so far as to wrap a hand around the back of her neck and angle his head to deepen it. His tongue brushed softly against hers, causing a tremor low in her abdomen before she broke contact.

She leaned back to look at him. His whiskey-colored irises studied her as she gestured toward the nurses. “They need the redhead back in her own bed and you’re in the way.”

He offered her a single nod, stood to gather the pixie into his arms, and carried her across the hall to her own bed while Cruz looked on, gazing at her like she’d hung the moon. An emotion Sun understood all too well.

One of the younger nurses woke up Quincy, her eyes sparkling with interest. He smiled appreciatively.

Sun followed Levi. “I didn’t know you were coming back.”

“You didn’t ask,” he said, matter-of-fact.

She cast a worried glance over her shoulder at Cruz. “He has a hard road ahead of him.”

Levi eased Auri onto her bed as though she were made of fine crystal. Or nitroglycerine. Either way.

“He’ll have a lot to deal with,” Sun continued. “Not only did he lose his dad, but he took a life. I’m worried what that will do to him.”

After draping the blanket over Auri, Levi looked across the hall at Cruz. “We’ll be here for him. Whatever it takes.”

“I think he should talk to someone.” When Levi nodded, she added, “Speaking of talking to someone, I thought I would have a chat with your friend, Keith Seabright.”

“I saw him last night. He’s doing a lot better.”

“Good. I still need to have a chat.”

“I don’t think he remembers much.”

“Yeah. I still need to chat.”

She found Keith Seabright in a room two floors down. He was just as stunning in person as he was on video. Average height and lean. Wiry and strong. Still in military shape eight years after his honorable discharge. He looked like a child star from Hollywood who’d grown up even better looking than he was as a kid.

She introduced herself and got his side of the story firsthand. Levi had already told him what happened with Elliot and Adam, so he was up to date on current events.

“We’ve had an alarming amount of stabbings lately,” she said to him afterwards.

He laughed but regretted it instantly.

She narrowed her eyes and watched him a long moment before saying, “I’d like you to stay in Del Sol.”

“Is this a don’t leave town kind of thing?” he asked, his voice hoarse and deep.

“No,” she said with a soft chuckle. “This is an I’m about to fill a lieutenant’s position and I’ll be down a deputy kind of thing. There’s an opening. I’d like you on my team.”

Levi seemed just as surprised as Seabright at the proposition. Maybe more so.

“You don’t even know me,” he said.

“I’ve done my research. Ran a background. Talked to some of your COs. According to everyone who’s ever met you, even Levi Ravinder—”

“Never heard of him.”

“—you’re kind of amazing.”

“I never said amazing,” Levi argued.

Seabright raised a brow. “Too late. No take backs.”