Revealing the Monster (Playing with Monsters #4) by Amelia Hutchins

“I fear that, too. Lena has had enough people taken away from her in a very short time. We all have. Fucking wars are bloodbaths, and I know we’re still in the midst of one. Kahleena remains missing, and Syn has started hunting for her, even in her pregnant state. Luckily, Ryder and Zahruk are searching as well, never leaving Syn alone in her precarious position. I just hope that they’re having more luck than we are,” Vlad stated, pushing his fingers through his dark hair. “Any luck finding information about their daughter on your end?”

“I have my people looking for any sign of Kahleena and Makenna.” I’d promised to keep my ear to the ground for any news about Ryder and Syn’s daughter. No one inside this world would be stupid enough to fuck with Kahleena, let alone brag about stealing the High Princess of the Fae. Luckily for us, I had enough connections that there wasn’t anywhere I couldn’t reach for information, not even Hell.

“Do you think Kahleena is in this world?” Vlad asked, studying me.

“I think she might be in Hell,” I admitted as he exhaled. “That was my thoughts exactly on the matter. I have heard whisperings that one of the dark princes stole a princess, but not whom or why they did it. Until I confirm the rumor, I wouldn’t tell Ryder. He and Synthia have lost enough, and the fae don’t belong in the Underworld, searching the dark corners. I have men looking into it, and the moment I hear back, Ryder and Syn will know what I do.”

“I never thought that you showing up here would be a blessing, Lucian,” Vlad scoffed, sliding his gaze to Spyder, who had crossed his arms over his chest, watching us. “Still don’t, assholes. I’m just glad you guys ended up on our side. If I learn anything, I’ll holler.”

“Have you seen Erie lately?” Spyder asked cautiously.

“She was here about an hour ago. She created that pile of bodies and then left before Callaghan showed up on her heels. His people have begun showing signs of the sickness, believed to be tied to the curse. Some have died already. Callaghan is getting desperate, and Erie is enjoying the fight more than anything else.”

My attention shifted to the corpses Erie had placed in sexual poses. Snorting, I shook my head. Crazy bitch. She’d fought beside Synthia with nothing covering her naked breasts, never missing a beat, as if the world hadn’t changed around her. Lena had stopped mid-battle, studying Erie before peering down at her leather-clad body in the armor I had made for her. The idea of Lena doing the same as Erie made my balls tighten. Then I’d noticed the crowd of men watching Erie and pushed that need aside before baring my teeth at the bastards. Erie may not be mine, but she was like a fucking sister to me. A crazy sister, but we went back past this world and others.

“I’m returning to Lena. No offense, but I prefer her company to yours, Vampire.”

“I agree, Lucian. I’d fancy her pretty face to yours any day of the week.” Vlad bowed his head before heading back to Shadowlands, the only club left in Spokane that still stood untouched. He had Synthia and Erie place magical wards around it, creating a moving sanctuary for those in need. If humans or anything close to it tried to enter, Vlad would send their asses to Alden, and he would put them into training for the newly opened guild.

I vanished, appearing in the shadows, noting that Lena had changed out of her armor. Her caramel-colored hair was up tonight, and a few stray strands framed her heart-shaped face. Wide blue eyes with tiny flecks of green peered up at the ceiling of Club Chaos, which mirrored the night sky just for her. Lena wasn’t simply pretty; she was ethereally gorgeous. Her ample breasts pushed against her tight shirt, complementing the thin skirt that outlined her narrow hips. There was still an emptiness to her that wouldn’t be filled until I righted her world, and I fucking would. There was no universe where Lena didn’t get everything she wanted, not after everything she’d given up. I wished I could tell her about our son, but I had to be cautious, keeping my cards close to my chest to play out carefully. I wouldn’t chance to lose her over how I’d obtained him.

Harbinger was tiny and perfect, just like his mother. Lena needed to give him a suitable name that didn’t represent what he was foretold to become. He may have been born to be the harbinger, but that didn’t mean he would fulfill the prophecy.

War created monsters, and the most evil of beings became that way because of something that triggered them. Lena was the mother of my child, and I didn’t think for one moment she could create anything evil. She was pure and untainted by hatred, even after everything she’d endured. Nah, Magdalena Fitzgerald wouldn’t allow her son to become the end of this pathetic fucking rock, because this was her home. She’d get the opportunity to raise our son right, and she’d love him no matter what type of monster he was or could become.

Harbinger was in my world, waiting for us to bring him his cousin, whom he would call sister.

The thought of Lena being in my home caused my chest to tighten with unfamiliar emotions. Lifting my hand, I pressed it against my chest to still the pounding of my heart. Turquoise eyes slid toward me, and I smiled. Lena still needed some time to adjust. It wasn’t every day you learned the man you were with wasn’t even close to being human.

“Creeper,” Lena called to me, her attention moving back to the night skies. “Find anything?”