Revealing the Monster (Playing with Monsters #4) by Amelia Hutchins

“What problem is that?” Zahruk asked, his eyes narrowing on me.

“It’s personal,” I returned, watching his head nod.

“They normally are, Lena. Empty that baggage, though, like Alden suggested, because if you collect enough of it, it will weigh you down until you’re drowning. Pretty things should never suffer when it’s so easy to fix the issues plaguing them.” Zahruk vanished before I could say anything, forcing a strangled groan from my throat. He’d heard everything, and I wasn’t sure he’d keep it to himself.

“Is he trustworthy?” I asked, feeling something icy near me.

“I’ll keep your secrets, little fury,” Zahruk whispered, brushing his lips against my ear. “Be more careful what you whisper in the future. Lucifer is listening for you in the wind. Vlad is aware you’re on your way. The club is moving now, fueled by magic from Faery. Two blocks east, catch it before it moves again. Your guy is inside, hiding from you.”

I shivered, turning to look at where he should have been, but only a hint of dark sexual energy remained in his place. Zahruk was trouble for every woman with working sexual organs. Since Ryder had crowned him King of the Horde, he’d evolved into a carnal being that leaked pheromones on unsuspecting women. Mainly me.

“I’ll escort you to the door of the club, but I need to get back to the guild,” Alden announced.

“Your offer is sweet, but I should be the one walking you to the guild to be certain you get there safely.”

He snorted, shaking his head. “Kid, I’ve been running these streets since I could walk. Also, I’m not suicidal enough to leave you alone with Lucian around. He’d have my spine ripped out through my mouth if he knew you were out here by yourself.”

“Fine, let’s go. I don’t want to spend all night chasing down a magical vampire club that is sporadically relocating to stay hidden from us. Not to mention, I wouldn’t be surprised if Spyder hasn’t already figured out I’m hunting him and has gone to ground.”

“I doubt he’s hiding that hard, Kid. Spyder is a man, and you’re a woman. He wants what you got,” he chuckled.

“Alden, really?” I gasped in mocked horror.

“I may be old enough to be your father, Lena, but I’m all man. I have working eyes, and all my parts still function perfectly.”

“I’m going to need you to stop now, considering you were with my mother.” He smirked, but there was sadness in his gaze. He shoved his hands into his pockets as we began making our way toward Nightshade.

“Your mother was quite the woman. She’d be proud of you if she were here. She was concerned about how you would adjust to what you had become. She may have worried about it, but she loved you more than she feared you.”

Chapter Eight

Here, Spyder, Spyder. Here is your chance to ride her. ~Lena

I entered Nightshade without issue, stopping at the bar to kiss my favorite bartender, Vlad, on the cheek. He laughed, shaking his dark head as his silver eyes surveyed me. Today they weren’t swirling, which normally gave me pause. Let’s be honest; swirling eyes that studied you intently should freak anyone out. He wore a tight, sleeveless shirt that exposed the tattoos, covering his arms from shoulder to wrist. Jeans hugged his slim hips, and he looked as if he’d just stepped out of a magazine for men’s physique.

“Here comes trouble,” Vlad chuckled, pouring two fingers of scotch into a chilled glass before pushing it toward me. “What brings you in here tonight, Lena? I’m surprised Lucian allowed you out with the Devil hunting you.”

“I’m not afraid of Lucifer,” I admitted, drinking deeply of the cool scotch. “It appears that he intends to lure me to him by using Makenna. He seems attached to her, playing the perfect father. It’s creepy and endearing at the same time.”

“Lucian didn’t let you out, did he?” Vlad countered, running his hand over his mouth before grabbing a towel and wiping down the pristine bar surface. “Should I expect him to come in and wreck the place to get you back?”

“No, he knows I am out and where I am,” I assured, even though I hadn’t actually asked permission. I told him my plans, but he’d laughed and walked away. “Hey, it isn’t my fault. I said I was going to speak with Alden, then to find the monster we’ve been hunting.” I didn’t dare whisper Spyder’s name yet, not until I’d finished my drink to hunt him down.

He chuckled, shaking his head, causing his hair to brush over his shoulder blades. I turned, facing the people moving around the bar. It had grown since the last time I’d been in, expanding to be a full nightclub. Magic had been used to increase the space and to fortify it against demons and other enemies.

The floor below us was used for feeding, based on whatever clientele Vlad allowed down there. Lucian had explained how Vlad brought in people who fed off humans, pointing them toward the patrons into that sort of thing. Below the feeding portion of the establishment were rooms Vlad had been using to give creatures safe harbor against the more dangerous monsters currently taking over the city.

“So, what really brings you in tonight? I don’t assume you came here to see me, pretty girl.”

I chuckled, turning to smile at him. “You could charm a chastity belt off of a nun, Vlad. But you’re right. I didn’t come just to visit. I am looking for Spyder. I heard from a source that he was here, helping you.”