Revealing the Monster (Playing with Monsters #4) by Amelia Hutchins

“You think they need shampoo?” he snorted, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

I narrowed my gaze on him before I undid my seatbelt, immediately drawing his attention to me. Crawling onto Lucian’s lap, I straddled him, cupping his face between my hands. He jerked his face free as he lifted his eyes over my shoulder to see the road.

“I think small comforts bring up the morale when tragedy strikes. I believe stupid shit like shampoo and tonics to ease ailments will make them realize that there are still people out here fighting for them. It’s not always about the big things.”

“Erie is collecting humans, Lena. She has been doing so since this shit started. I discovered it a week after the Hell Gate opened, allowing demons to enter this world. The humans we’ve found wandering are taken to her shelter beneath the city. She’s been using an old bunker to house them, and Zahruk was taking them supplies when she couldn’t. The humans know they’re not alone. You can make them whatever tonics, soaps, and shampoos you fucking want, and I will see they are delivered to them personally. However, you won’t be venturing out to deliver shit no matter what happens, agreed?” he growled, settling his eyes on me as a wide smile spread across my face.

“You’re just a big softy, aren’t you?” I countered, lowering my lips to his throat. Gently, I nipped his neck and ground my need against his cock. He chuckled wickedly, turning his head to allow me more access.

“If that turns you on, I’ll be certain to find every last human living in this shithole and save them,” he purred huskily, growling when I pulled back, narrowing my stare on him.

“If Erie’s saving them, then why are so many hanging around?”

“Believe it or not, some want to be worn by demons.” This revelation deflated the subtle hint of hope I’d felt. “Some live on anarchy and crave the high demon’s promise to them. You can’t save everyone. Hell, we can barely save those who want to be saved, so trying to ensure the ones who don’t want it would be a tremendous waste of time and supplies.”

Crawling back into my seat, I silently pondered his words. It made sense. You couldn’t save someone who didn’t want to be saved. Sure, you could explain the repercussions until you were blue in the face, but it boiled down to what he’d said.

“Look…” he started, but I cut him off.

“It makes sense. I understand some people are hopelessly lost.”

“When did you become so agreeable?” Lucian snorted, reaching over and grabbing my thigh.

“I can be reasonable,” I scoffed, placing my hand over his and rolling my eyes at his wide, shocked expression. “What? I can be. Sometimes I take a little longer to see it, but then I’m still trying to look through rose-colored glasses. I don’t want to believe that people are evil or that they would throw away their lives to be used as Habitat for Humanity, demon style.”

“You’re the most infuriating woman I’ve ever met, Magdalena,” he laughed, causing my chest to tighten.

It wasn’t because he upset me. In fact, his declaration spread warmth through me. This creature loved me, and he’d proven it over and over last night by kissing every inch of me. Lucian would never say the words, but he had shown me through his actions.

I’d been blind to it because in my short time on earth, I’d never known real love. Not the type he showered on me. He protected me, even from my own mistakes. It was in the simple things he did for me, the way he held me at night, curling his massive body around me while softly talking until we both gave in to the need to refresh our minds, and slipped into the velvety darkness of stasis.

Sure, I felt like an ass for not realizing his feelings for me without having to read the notes, but it was us in a nutshell. We were chaotic creatures, ones that loved blindly, uncaring what the world thought of us. I had been in love with him since the moment he’d picked me up after Todd was inhabited by demons and violated me.

Lucian caught me when I fell, but he allowed me to fall and learn things on my own. He knew I preferred to pretend I was still human and as if I hadn’t lost my humanity and soul. He let me be who I was before I’d protected him, and that made me love him even more.

“Alden is resourceful, Lena. Stop believing the worst has befallen the elder. He didn’t get to where he was from being weak.”

I blinked, peering at Lucian across the center console, smirking. “I wasn’t thinking about Alden.”

“Then what were you thinking about just now?” he questioned, slowly rubbing his thumb over my thigh.

“Todd, and how you were the only one who knew what I needed at that moment. At my darkest point, you held me up and kept me together. You barely knew me then, yet you understood me better than anyone.”

“It didn’t take much to figure you out, Little Witch. You just needed time to compartmentalize what had transpired and climb out from the wreckage. I should have followed you home and kept you safe, and it wouldn’t have happened at all.”

“No, you shouldn’t have.”

“Magdalena,” he started to argue, but at my exasperated groan, he stopped.

“That was the first time I knew I was falling in love with you. I wouldn’t change it for anything. You held me through the night and allowed me just to experience life. When did you know you were falling for me?” I asked, wondering if he’d tell me.