Revealing the Monster (Playing with Monsters #4) by Amelia Hutchins

“They have one,” Zahruk stated. “He’s calling them to him right now. I can feel it within me, the need to go to him.”

“Do me a favor, and don’t answer,” Ryder grumbled, his inner frustration exposed in his voice. “Pet, you need to open the shelter so we can check on the children.”

Synthia nodded, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. “Alden didn’t want this.”

“No, he didn’t. It can’t be undone, though, and he’ll have to come to terms with it, eventually. Right now, all we can do is see if the children and enforcers made it into that protective chamber before Alden began feeding with the others.”

“I can’t put him down, Ryder. I won’t.”

“I second that,” I stated, nodding at Synthia. “Alden is family. He’s our family.”

Synthia nodded, her tears falling with mine as she came closer, hugging me while everyone else watched. It was heartbreaking to know Alden was turned against his will, making him an immortal now. Normally, I wouldn’t feel bad about that, but it was Alden. He’d chosen to live the rest of his life as a human or as close as possible. Now that wouldn’t be happening.

Synthia released me, drifting toward the doorway leading to the enchanted walkway that opened up at the shelter’s entrance. The runes swirled to life around us the moment we stepped foot into the hallway.

“I don’t think they tried to get in,” she stated.

Synthia brushed her fingers over the walls, and a chime sounded that echoed through the tunnel we’d entered. Pausing, I turned to look back past the men behind us. The passageway had changed once we’d walked through it. My eyes rounded, and Lucian chuckled at my response.

“It’s magic, Little Witch. It’s almost as magical as you when I’m buried deep into your…”

“We can hear you, asshole.” Zahruk snapped crossly. “I’m trying to ignore the fact that your girl here smells needy, which you’re causing. So unless you want me and everyone else here to notice that shit, hold that thought until we’re out of this fucking tunnel that is preventing her scent from escaping. Thank you.”

“Someone is snappy today. If you need to eat, I can be your dinner,” Erie offered, winking at Zahruk, who smirked at her wolfishly.

“Careful, Imp, you’re looking like a whole damn meal right now,” Zahruk laughed darkly, a heated gaze burning in his eyes as they traveled down Erie’s frame. “I’m trying hard not to gorge on any female yet. A second transition with me might break records on how long one can take to satisfy the hunger within the beast.”

“Was that supposed to be a determent? It sounded more like incentive,” I muttered, watching Synthia’s head bobbing in silent agreement.

“Lena,” Lucian growled.

“Pet,” Ryder echoed, a warning laced his tone as his wife chuckled, even though it was empty.

“Don’t worry. I’m way too pregnant to deal with another fucking fairy, Ryder. You’re enough for me, husband.”

“Good, wife,” he rumbled in a deliciously wicked voice.

Synthia placed her hand on the metal door, which glowed with a mix of rainbow-colored runes. A gentle hymn began, sounding almost angelic. The door slowly slid open, revealing an empty room. Gradually, we entered with a foreboding feeling rushing through the group while we peered around.

“Stanislav, are you in here?” Synthia asked.

“Holy shit, it’s about time you got here,” a feminine voice whispered. A woman with cherry-colored hair slid out of the shadows; her complexion was pale, adding to the dark circles beneath her eyes.

“I guess praying to the Goddess of the Fae while her subjects are trying to eat you, actually worked, huh? I told you she’d come,” a male stated, striding up to stand beside the female. “I cannot put into words how glad I am to see your faces right now.”

“Adrik, Ivy, I’m happy to know that you survived.” Synthia’s relief was visible in the way she exhaled and removed her armor with magic. Adrik’s eyes lowered to her swollen belly, and he chuckled.

“That explains the delay, huh?” the male’s smokey gaze rose, and he slowly blew the air from his lungs. “Shit went bad fast, here. Alden—he turned. He went out to get a few enforcers, and when he came back, he told us to get inside the shelter and close it until you or someone else arrived to release us. I think he knew what was coming. We didn’t have any communication other than the two-way radio, and when he asked us to come out, I just knew. I knew it wasn’t really him. Alden said he was starving, which is what happened to Lars after the black goo had infected him.”

“Alden is gone,” Ryder stated. “The children?”

“They’re fine. The children didn’t enjoy being locked up so soon after the last time, but they handled this situation better than I would have anticipated. The few changelings we had are being kept separate from the fae until we figure out their niche, but they’re adapting here. The orphaned fae are flourishing. While most do cry at night for those they lost, they’re doing well. We were getting short on food, so we rationed it since we didn’t know when anyone would figure out what had happened here.” Adrik nodded to the alcove where little ones watched us.