Sidequest for Love by L.H. Cosway

I laughed and looked at Neil. “You’ve been telling people about the selfies? That was supposed to be our little secret.”

Neil rolled his eyes. “Don’t listen to her. There’s no secret.”

“Or is there?” I went on, waggling my eyebrows, and Leanne and Callum both laughed.

“Well, it’s nice to finally meet you, Afric,” Callum said. “Neil hasn’t shut up talking about you the whole time we were in New York.”

“I was not—” Neil began to protest then gave up when he realised Callum was just trying to embarrass him.

“I’m not surprised. You are kind of obsessed with me,” I said.

At this, Neil laughed and shook his head. “You’re all horrible. I’m going to get another drink.”

“You said I wasn’t to let you have anymore because of the jet lag, remember?” I said as he stood.

“I know, but one more won’t kill me. Do you want another?”

“Yes, but no more canned cocktails. I’ll have a beer this time.”

Neil looked to Callum and Leanne. “What about you two?”

“I’ll come help you,” Callum said, ushering Neil away while Leanne sat down across from me. I had a feeling I might be in for a bit of an interrogation. It was clear that both she and Callum were protective of Neil.

I watched as she leaned forward, resting her elbows on the edge of the table as she surveyed me. “So, how long have you two been friends?”

“Not long. Three months, maybe?”

“Do you like him?”

“Yes, I like him a lot,” I answered honestly.


I started to smile. “Anything else you’d like to know?”

“No, just don’t hurt him. Neil’s a sweetheart.”

“Um, we’re just friends. This isn’t—”

“It’s none of my business what it is or isn’t. Just be kind to him. He deserves someone who’s kind because he’s the kindest, most generous person I know.”

I glanced across to the bar where Neil and Callum were grabbing our drinks. “Yeah, he is,” I whispered before looking back at Leanne. She smiled at me.

“I like you.”

“I like you, too. Well, I like what I’ve seen on TV.”

“Then you like the highly edited version of me. Maybe by the end of tonight, you’ll discover whether or not you like the unedited version,” she quipped just as Neil and Callum returned. Neil slid in next to me, and again, his arm brushed mine. I wished I could keep my arm resting against his. The contact was shockingly addictive.

“You okay?” he whispered, his breath washing over my cheek.

I nodded. “I’m great.”

“What did Leanne say to you?”

I tapped the side of my nose. “Sorry. I can’t break the girl talk code of silence.”

He narrowed his eyes. “There is no such thing.”

“Oh, yes, there is.”

“Okay, everyone,” Michaela announced loudly from where she stood by the bar. “Isaac’s on his way up, so we need to all be quiet.”

I made a show of zipping my lips as I grinned at Neil. He didn’t look impressed that I wouldn’t tell him what Leanne had said. The entire place hushed, and someone dimmed the lights. I felt Neil’s attention in the darkness and glanced at him again. His eyes were on my profile, and there was a look on his face I hadn’t seen before. It was a sexy look like he was imagining doing sexy things to me, but that couldn’t be true … Could it?

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I whispered.

“No reason,” he whispered back, leaning towards me a little. The whiskey sour must’ve had a higher alcohol content than my margarita.

“Are you tipsy already?” I asked, amused. “You’ve only had one drink.”

“It’s hitting me harder because of the jet lag, I think,” Neil replied just as Isaac climbed the stairs to the roof bar, and everyone leapt up, bursting into a chorus of “SURPRISE!” He jumped back, startled, and I could tell it was a genuine reaction. He hadn’t been expecting the party. He probably thought that since they’d all just gotten back from such a long trip, they wouldn’t have the time to plan anything.

People all flocked to him to wish him a happy birthday while I remained seated next to Neil, and we quietly drank our beers. Over the course of the next three hours, I was introduced to most of the people who worked on Running on Air, as well as many of their significant others. I think a lot of people assumed I was Neil’s girlfriend since we were both glued to each other the entire night. Every time I met Michaela’s gaze, she was practically brimming over with mirth. She clearly enjoyed the idea of Neil and me forming a connection. I’d have to reiterate the fact to her soon that we were only friends.

Then I grimaced, remembering I’d agreed to go with Neil when he met Annabelle tomorrow. I was so nervous for him, and honestly, I was worried because I got the sense Annabelle was the kind of person to freak out over what Neil had done. If she was as shallow and mean as I suspected, then she might go crazy at him when she discovered the truth. Well, at least I’d be there to protect him if she did.

I had a feeling Neil’s nerves for tomorrow were getting the better of him, too, because he hadn’t stopped at those two initial drinks. I was pretty certain he was now on his fifth drink and working towards a sixth. I had also consumed several drinks myself and was feeling tipsy.