Sidequest for Love by L.H. Cosway

No, that award went to the frustrating Irish girl whose bright blue eyes, cheeky smile, and curvy body wouldn’t get out of my head.

I was busy working at the gym when I received a message. My stomach flipped because for a second, I thought it might be Afric, but it wasn’t.

Annabelle: Hey, want to meet up for coffee?

On the surface, it was a simple question, but I wasn’t ready to see her again so soon. Not with how Afric’s suspicions still had me all twisted up.

Neil: Sorry, I can’t right now. I’m working.

Annabelle: Why don’t I bring the coffee to you then? If you’re scheduled for a lunch break soon, I could also bring food …?

Her offer had me stumped as to how to respond. Then, staring at my phone, an idea sprung, and my resolve firmed. It pained me to think it, but there was a very good chance Afric was right and Annabelle only wanted to date me to get closer to Callum. What better way than to invite her to the gym and see how she reacted to being around him in person?

Impulsively, I texted her back, agreeing to lunch and sending her the gym's address before I returned my attention to my laptop. When I worked here, I typically camped out close to the entrance, where there was a small lobby with a coffee table and a comfortable couch. Michaela was off today, so I was the only one on duty to run errands for the cast while they trained. So far this morning, none of them had asked for anything, so I was free to deal with emails and correspondence.

I was focused on reading one particular email about a magazine photoshoot for the cast when the buzzer went off for the door entry system. My heart leapt right into my throat. It had to be Annabelle. Sure enough, I checked the security camera, and there she was. It was a warm day by London standards, and she appeared to be wearing a denim jacket over tight workout gear. She worked as a personal trainer, so the workout gear made sense.

I pressed the button to let her in, and a moment later, she emerged through the door, her red hair tied up in a neat bun.

“Hi,” I said awkwardly. “Thanks for coming over.”

“Of course! I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again. I brought coffee and two veggie bowls. I hope you don’t mind that there’s oat milk in the coffee. I’m vegan, so it’s second nature to me to order the milk substitute,” she said, then grimaced. “You probably wanted normal milk.”

She seemed a little nervous, and it warmed me to her slightly. “I’m actually dairy intolerant, so the oat milk is perfect.”

“Oh, you are? Well, that’s a relief.”

I motioned to the couch where I’d just powered down my laptop and packed away my things. “Welcome to my place of work. We can eat here. The cast is training inside. I can give you a quick tour of the gym before we eat if you like?”

Her eyes wandered to the glass door that led inside. There was a light in them for a second before she shook her head. “Maybe later? I’m starving, and I work in a gym all day long, so it won’t be anything new to me.”

Well, at least she didn’t appear overly eager to go inside and meet everyone. And by everyone, I meant Callum.

“Are you sure? It’s not a regular sort of gym. There are lots of ramps and jumping walls kitted out specifically for practicing parkour. I remember you saying you dabbled in freerunning from time to time.”

She carried the lunches over to the table and set them down before taking a seat on the couch. “Yes, I do, but I’m nowhere near the standard of the Running on Air cast. I’d only end up embarrassing myself in front of them,” she said with a hint of self-deprecation.

She offered me one of the coffees alongside a veggie bowl. “Thanks. Next time I’ll buy.”

The polite statement was second nature, but it was only after it left my mouth that I realised I’d insinuated there’d be another lunch date.

“It’s no problem. I’ve always loved buying meals for others. It’s one of those simple kindnesses that make people happy, you know?”

“Hmm, I never thought of it like that, but you’re right. It’s always nice when someone decides to treat you, though being the man, I should probably insist on paying you back.”

She waved me away. “I don’t go in for all that. So long as things are fifty-fifty, I’m okay with it.”

“That sounds very reasonable.”

Now she smiled. “So, there’s going to be a next time?” she asked, circling back to my earlier foolish remark.

“Uh, sure,” I replied, trying not to grimace. I’d made it seem like I was dying to see her again, and she’d barely been here a few minutes.

“Cool,” she said, her smile deepening. “I was beginning to worry you’d lost interest in me since I hadn’t heard from you in two days.”

I scratched my head. “Right. Sorry about that. I’ve been busy with work.” And fretting over whether or not you’re using me to get close to the man you really want. “I also wanted to let you decide if you really wanted to see me again without being pushy. Honestly, I’m surprised you want anything to do with me after what I did,” I said, hoping that if she were concealing a hidden agenda, then this might lead her to reveal some of her true feelings about the situation.

“Well, maybe I’m crazy, but when you explained everything, it just made so much sense to me. And I could relate. If I’d been in your position, perhaps I would’ve done the same thing.”