Sidequest for Love by L.H. Cosway

So, yeah, going by first impressions, Neil and I didn’t get along, but despite that, I was intrigued. I sensed a lot more going on behind the conservative facade, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Don’t get me wrong; my interest wasn’t romantic. I’d learned my lesson the hard way not to go searching for love after being abandoned by one too many boyfriends. You might as well walk outside with your chest cavity wide open, waiting for the nearest careless fuckboy to tear your heart out.

No, thank you. Not for me. Not anymore.

If I wanted companionship, I made a friend. I endeavoured to be interested in people on an intellectual level only, a little like my gargoyle in Greenforest. Except, unlike him, I did enjoy sex from time to time. And if I wanted sex, I found someone to do it with then went on my merry way. Simple as.

Anyway, I didn’t think I’d run into Neil again, but several weeks after our ill-fated sushi lunch, Michaela asked me to do her a favour by covering for her at work for a few hours. She was in a tight squeeze, and I couldn’t say no. Besides, it might be fun to ruffle Neil’s feathers.

I took the Tube to Notting Hill, where Michaela and Neil’s bosses were hosting a screening of a special episode of Running on Air. When I arrived at the small boutique cinema, the place was still locked up. I pressed on the buzzer, and a few moments later, Neil’s voice came through.


“Hey! It’s Afric. Remember me? Michaela asked me to cover for her for a few hours,” I replied, pulling the collar of my coat up to stave off the chill.

There was a noticeable pause on Neil’s end, and my lips began to curve in a grin. He definitely wasn’t pleased about me showing up, and the part of me that enjoyed riling him was amused by that.

I heard him clear his throat. “Why can’t Michaela be here?”

“Women’s issues. She’ll stop by later.”

Another pause. Oh, this was going to be fun. “Are you going to buzz me in or leave me standing out here all day?”

“I should be able to handle things on my own. You can go,” he replied stiffly.

“I’m not going anywhere. Now buzz me in before I freeze to death.”

“Listen, I’m very grateful to you for coming, but I really don’t need the help.”

Huh. So, he was going to be stubborn, eh? I exhaled heavily. “Is this about how things went at lunch last time? Because if it is, I’m sorry, okay? I don’t always mean to be a bitch. It just happens sometimes.”


“I don’t always mean to be a bitch. It just happens sometimes.”

She could say that again. It felt like the world was continually trying to test me, and Michaela’s friend Afric was one of the most aggravating people I’d ever met. The woman was a walking, talking annoyance, and I definitely didn’t have time to entertain her today. She struck me as the sort of person who made tasks take twice as long as they needed to, and there was nothing I hated more than time-wasters.

“Thank you for the apology, but as I said, I really don’t need any help.”

“Okay, well, could I use the bathroom before I go? I’ve come all the way from Brixton, and I’m busting for a pee. It’s also cold as balls out here.”

She looked up into the security camera, her big blue eyes pleading, and I had a brief pang of conscience. Even if she did annoy me, it wasn’t pleasant to make a journey only to be told to go home as soon as you got there. Grandma raised me to be a gentleman, and the least I could do was allow Afric to use the facilities before she made the journey back.

“Okay, then, I’ll buzz you in.”

I pressed the button to release the door then headed out to show her where the bathroom was.

“This place is fancy!” Afric exclaimed as she entered through the lobby. “Is this where posh people go when they want to see a movie? How the other half live, eh?”

“The ladies’ bathrooms are just through there,” I said, gesturing down the hall.

“Oh, yeah, I don’t need to go,” she waved me off. “I just said that so you’d let me in. Now, pull that stick out of your arse and let me help you. I know you can’t handle everything on your own.”

My lips formed a straight line as I levelled her with a hard stare. So, this was where being chivalrous got me. Tricked. I didn’t want her here, but she was right. Preparing for tonight’s event would be difficult to do solo. Perhaps I could just give her tasks and interact with her as little as possible.

I ran a hand down my face. “Okay, well, if you insist on being here, then come with me.”

I led her to the office at the back of the building and handed her the bundle of programs. “Place one of these on each seat inside the theatre.”

“And after I’m finished doing that?”

“Come find me, and I’ll give you something else to do.”

She saluted me. “Righteo.”

Afric left, and I was surprised by how easy that was. Maybe this would be okay. About twenty minutes later, I was taking a quick break to check the messages on my phone when someone crept up behind me.

“Who’s Annabelle?”

I bristled, stomach churning as I turned and found Afric standing behind me. How much had she seen? “Don’t you know it’s rude to read people’s messages like that?”