Say Goodbye (Romantic Suspense #25) by Karen Rose

            “You should keep Mercy at home this weekend,” he told Rafe. “Keep her safe.”

            Rafe blew out a breath. “I can’t. Can’t keep her home, anyway. We’re having a surprise party for her on Sunday.”

            Tom knew about the party, had even requested the following day off from work so that he could help with cleanup. He didn’t hesitate with his reply. “Cancel it.” That was simple enough. Mercy couldn’t celebrate her birthday if she was dead.

            “I can’t. We’ve got people coming in from New Orleans. A lot of people.” There was a pause during which Tom could hear Rafe’s muttered counting. “Ten, at least.”

            “Tell them not to come,” Tom said, speaking slowly and enunciating.

            “No,” Rafe insisted. “I’m not going to deprive her of this. She’s lost enough in her life.”

            “She could lose her life,” Tom snapped.

            “Don’t you think I’ve thought of that?” Rafe hissed. “We’ve been living with the threat of DJ Belmont for a month, Tom. A fucking month. I’d already hired security for the weekend. I just bumped it up.”

            Tom heard the desperation in Rafe’s voice. He also heard determination. “How much security and what organization are they out of?”

            “I had six guys. After the attempt at the eyeglass store, I bumped it up to ten. All active or recently retired cops, friends of mine from SacPD.”

            “Where are your guests staying?”

            “With Mom and Dad. A few of Mercy’s siblings are only flying in on Sunday and taking the red-eye back that night.”

            Tom knew that Mercy had relied heavily on her half brothers and half sisters when she’d lived in New Orleans. They, along with her best friend Farrah’s family, had been her support system as she emotionally recovered from the abuse she’d suffered at the hands of Ephraim Burton, DJ Belmont, and all of Eden.

            Rafe was right. Mercy had lost enough in her life.

            “How were you planning to transport the guests to and from the airport?”

            Rafe hesitated. “In our vehicles?”

            “And if DJ Belmont is watching? He has to have followed the SUV Agent Rodriguez was driving the day they went to the eye doctor. I don’t know exactly where DJ is right now, but we must assume that he’s still watching.”

            “Right.” Rafe’s swallow was audible. “I’ll rent cars, then.”

            “That’s an option. You could also let me help. Will you let me provide the vehicles? I’ll get SUVs. Armored with bullet-resistant glass.”

            “You or the Feds?”

            “Does it make a difference?

            “Of course it does. Who’s paying the bill?”



            Tom frowned. “Because your mother gave me cake and has fed me nearly every Sunday for a month. Because your family has taken Liza and me in. Because Irina loves Liza like a daughter and Liza loves Mercy like a sister. Because I can. Jesus, Rafe. Why do you think?”

            Rafe shuddered out a breath. “Sorry. I know you care, and I appreciate it. It’s just my pride balking. Okay, please provide the vehicles. Thanks.”

            “All right, then. There’s a firm that the pro athletes use when they want to avoid the press. They also serve politicians and celebrities. I’ll make the arrangements as soon as we hang up.”

            “Don’t hang up yet. I need to know more about the lead on Belmont. Don’t think that I forgot you said that.”

            “I can’t tell you more. I’m not supposed to be telling you this much.”

            “He killed a woman,” Rafe said abruptly. “Last night. An elderly woman in Yuba City. His face is all over the news.”

            Tom had seen the reports. “He’s a suspect, yes.”