Say Goodbye (Romantic Suspense #25) by Karen Rose

            It was a number she didn’t recognize. I swear to God, Tom, if this is one of your burners . . . She hit accept and went nearly limp with relief when a woman asked to speak to Miss Barkley. God. I don’t even care if she’s a telemarketer. “This is she.”

            “Hello. My name is Portia Sinclair. I’m the head of HR at Sunnyside Oaks Convalescence and Rehabilitation Center.”

            “Oh.” Liza blinked. “That was fast. I just sent in my application last night.”

            “Well, your résumé is very impressive, Miss Barkley. Would you be available to come in for an interview today? Say, noon? We have a pressing need to fill this position.”

            Liza’s heart was racing. Yes. This was what she was meant to do, how she was meant to protect this family who’d taken her in. “Yes, that sounds wonderful.”

            “Then I’ll text you the address. When you arrive, have the front desk call me.”

            “I will. Thank you.” Liza ended the call and met three curious gazes. “Job interview.”

            “We figured that out,” Irina said with a smile. “What facility?”

            “It’s a convalescence and rehabilitation center,” Liza said, hedging on the name.

            “Which one?” Karl asked, buttering his toast.

            To hedge further would be more suspicious at this point. “Sunnyside Oaks.”

            Irina frowned. So did Karl. “I . . . have heard of this place,” Irina said slowly.

            “So have I,” Karl said, “but I can’t remember where.”

            “Me too.” Zoya was busily typing into her phone. She grimaced. “One of their nurses was murdered last night. Penny Gaynor.”

            Karl snapped his fingers. “That’s where I heard it, too. It sounds dangerous.”

            Irina was still frowning. “I don’t know if it’s dangerous or not, but I knew a few nurses who took jobs there. None of them were women I’d call friends.”

            Well, they are caring for Pastor, Liza thought. “Were they bad people, the nurses?”

            “No, but they weren’t nice, either. The only one I remember being suspicious was a woman named Innes.” She tapped the rim of her cup, thinking. “She was accused of stealing narcotics by a patient’s family. There was never any proof, but no one had any trouble believing it was true. The woman had a hardened quality that made her difficult to warm up to.”

            Good to know. Avoid Nurse Innes. “I see.”

            Irina’s eyes narrowed. “Zoya, you’re going to be late for school.”

            Zoya crossed her arms with a scowl. “I’m staying home. Dad told me to, remember? It’s why Abigail isn’t here. Amos kept her home, too. Does DJ Belmont ring a bell?”

            “Zoya,” Irina warned. “Watch your tone.”

            Zoya slumped in her chair. “Mom, if you want me to leave, just tell me to leave.”

            “Leave,” Irina ordered.

            Karl coughed to cover a laugh. “Come on, Zoya. We’ll find something to do.”

            Keeping her gaze on Liza’s face, Irina grabbed a handful of Karl’s jacket. “Stay, please.”

            “Oh, for the love of—,” Zoya grumbled. “I never get to hear the good stuff.” She stomped from the room, muttering under her breath.

            “You know she’s waiting in the hall, eavesdropping,” Karl said.

            “I know. Zoya!” Irina said no more until she heard Zoya’s footsteps above them. “We have a minute before she sneaks back down. You’re hiding something from us, Liza. Spill it.”

            Liza blinked. Innocently, she thought.

            Karl just chuckled. “We’ve raised eight children, Liza. Just tell her. She won’t give it up.”