Say Goodbye (Romantic Suspense #25) by Karen Rose

            Tom took a measured step back. “You should be protecting your son. With all due respect.”

            “I am,” she snarled. “From the likes of you.”

            “You know what your husband is,” Tom said softly. “You know the kind of enemies he makes. We’re trying to warn you about one of his enemies.” He didn’t know if that was true yet, but he had no doubt that DJ would turn on Kowalski’s family if he were cornered. “His name is DJ Belmont. You might know him as John Derby. He’s killed before and he’ll kill again. Don’t make the mistake of believing that he’d spare your child.”

            The woman was breathing shallowly, her eyes flickering in fear for a moment before she shuttered her expression. “I’ve asked you nicely. Now I’m calling the police.”

            Tom followed her quick glance skyward and noticed the security camera mounted above the door. She knows her husband is listening. “Well, if you think of anything or have any concern that this man will hurt you or your little boys, please call us.” He gave her his card and watched her rip it into pieces.

            But she kept the pieces clenched in one closed fist. He hoped she would be able to reconstruct his number later. That would have to be enough for now.

            “Thank you for your time,” he said. “We’re sorry to have troubled you, but this man is very dangerous.” He ventured another smile. “And your sons are very small.”

            The door slammed and Croft shrugged. “Let’s go.” Back in the SUV, she belted up and turned to him. “Well?”

            “She was being watched. There was a camera above her head.”

            Croft nodded. “I caught that, too. Think she’s taping those pieces of your card together?”

            “I hope so. Although she might be flushing them.” He checked his watch and made a decision. “Can we stop by the Sokolovs’ place on our way back?”

            Croft started the engine. “Sure, but why?”

            He sighed. “Liza has a lesson with Abigail today.”

            “She’s still not answering your calls?”

            I need more than that. He cleared his throat. “Something like that.”

            The Sokolov house was unusually quiet. The only evidence of life was the security guard that Karl had hired to protect them when Mercy and her FBI protection detail were elsewhere.

            Irina answered the door. “She’s not here. You can come in and check if you want.”

            “No.” Tom sighed. “I believe you.”

            Irina’s expression softened. “Good. You look tired, Tom. Come inside and have some tea.”

            “I can’t now. Croft is waiting for me in the SUV. But thank you.”

            “It is I who should be thanking you. Raphael told me that you are providing secure vehicles for Mercy’s birthday guests. We appreciate that, more than you know. Raphael is kicking himself for not thinking of it himself.”

            Tom managed a smile. “He’s had a little bit on his mind.” He needed to try one more time. “Is Liza coming back today? Doesn’t she help with Abigail’s lessons?”

            “Amos kept Abigail home today. Rafe told him to.”

            Tom frowned. There was something Irina wasn’t telling him. “Where is Liza?” When she just shook her head, he glanced up, hearing a window open. Zoya looked down at him. “Care to share?” he called up.

            “Nope,” she called back. “You’re walking the stalking line, Agent Hunter.”

            Tom bit back a retort. Because the girl wasn’t wrong. “But she’s all right?” he asked Irina.

            Irina’s smile was sad. “She’ll be fine, in time. But I do feel the need to ask why you keep bothering her. I haven’t known you long, but you don’t seem like the kind of man to push yourself on a woman who’s asked you to back off.”

            Tom flinched. He opened his mouth, then closed it again, having no idea how to answer.