Say Goodbye (Romantic Suspense #25) by Karen Rose

            Liza was surprised at that. “Who?”

            “I don’t want to name names, because all that’s in the past. Suffice it to say, someone I interacted with daily was in love with me for years and I never clued in. Everyone else knew.”

            “What happened?”

            “I met Ethan and fell head over heels. Told this other guy all about Ethan, not even suspecting that I was basically stabbing him in the heart.”

            “I know how that feels. Tom told me about Tory the day he met her.”

            “Ouch.” Dana’s wince was audible. “That super sucks. What did you do?”

            “Buried my hurt and asked him to tell me about her. What happened with this other guy?”

            “After I met Ethan, he moved to another state. Met the sister of one of our friends at a wedding and they hit it off. Been married for years and they have a little boy.”

            “So he completely separated himself.”

            “For a while. Once he met his wife, he realized that he hadn’t really loved me at all. Who knows? Maybe you’ll meet someone in nursing school or while standing in a supermarket line. But you will meet someone.” She hesitated. “What else is wrong, honey? I can hear it in your voice. Don’t make me get on a plane to see you face-to-face,” she added teasingly.

            Liza wasn’t so sure Dana was teasing and suddenly didn’t want her to be. Maybe when she was no longer needed at Sunnyside Oaks, she could get a cheap flight to Chicago. For a hug.

            Drawing a deep breath, she told Dana about Fritz. Dana didn’t say a word until she was finished, and then the older woman sighed.

            “I’m not going to say I’m not hurt, because I am. But only a little. I get why you avoided telling me. I’m mostly sad that you lost your Fritz. He sounds like he was amazing.”

            “He was. He deserved better than me.”

            “Do not say that,” Dana said sharply. “He loved you and you cared for him. Would you have cheated on him?”

            “Never.” Liza was shocked at the question. “You know I wouldn’t have.”

            “Yes, I do know. Another question: If he’d lived and if Tom miraculously had fallen in love with you once you and Fritz had come home, would you have left Fritz?”

            Liza considered carefully. “No,” she said, relieved that she believed it with all of her heart. “We would have settled down and had a family. I loved him, even if it wasn’t the way he loved me. I was . . . you know, attracted.” Her face heated. “We would have been happy.”

            “Then you have nothing to be ashamed about,” Dana said softly. “Stop punishing yourself. Were the months you had with Fritz happy ones?”

            “Yes. They were. I mean, we were in a war zone, so it was a different kind of happy. But he made me feel special. And safe.”

            “Okay, last question. If Tom sees the light, will you believe him?”

            Liza frowned. “What, are you asking if I’ll believe he’s serious?”

            “That’s exactly what I’m asking.”

            “I . . . I don’t know.”

            “Then figure it out. Just in case.”

            Liza wasn’t sure how to process those words. “In other words, don’t give up hope?”

            “Maybe. At least give him time to figure stuff out. He does care about you, of that I’m sure.”

            “Are you still friends with the man who thought he loved you?”

            “Yes. He’s one of the best men I know. If nothing else, I hope you’ll have that with Tom.”

            Liza hadn’t realized how much she’d needed that hope. “I love you. You know that, right?”

            “I do. I also know that we are going to visit Fritz’s family together, so I can meet them.”