Say Goodbye (Romantic Suspense #25) by Karen Rose

            His kisses became openmouthed and urgent, his hips rolling and thrusting against the sofa cushions when he really needed to be rolling and thrusting into her. He shoved the hem of her shirt higher, going stock-still when he uncovered her bra.

            He looked up to meet her eyes. She was watching him, her torso still. She was holding her breath. “I want to see you,” he said hoarsely. “Can I see you?”

            “Yes. Please.”

            He might have chuckled at her politeness, but she reached behind her to unhook her bra, and then he couldn’t breathe, either. Crossing her arms, she gripped the hem of her shirt and the bra together and pulled them off.

            It took him a few heartbeats to find words. “You’re beautiful.”

            Her lips curved self-consciously, but she said nothing.

            He hung there, staring, torn between the urge to rush and take and taste and suck and the more overwhelming need to take his time. Carefully, reverently, he kissed the valley between her breasts and drew in her scent.

            God. The delicate citrus of her bodywash was overpowered by the sweet, heady scent of her arousal. He was so hard that he hurt.

            He kissed the underside of each breast. “I want you.” He kissed the swells, avoiding her nipples, hard and erect. Humming in frustration, she palmed his cheeks and tried to pull his mouth closer.

            Her whisper was barely audible. “Suck me.”

            Gently he grabbed her wrists, guiding them over her head and restraining them with one hand. “I only get this first time once,” he told her. “I don’t want to rush.”

            She tipped her head back. “Tom,” she whined. “Don’t distract me with being all romantic.”


            “No, you’re not.”

            “No,” he agreed. “I’m not.” He licked one nipple and her mouth fell open.

            “You’re a fucking tease,” she growled. “I didn’t expect—” She gasped when he closed his lips over the other nipple and sucked, her hips rocking up into him.

            His brain and his cock were already ten steps ahead, planning what he’d do and how he’d do it, when a stark realization had him screeching to a halt. Lifting his head, he frowned. “I don’t have anything. Condoms. I didn’t bring any with me. I’m clean, but . . .”

            She groaned. “So am I, and you know I trust you with my life, but I’m not on the pill.”

            He lowered his head, resting his forehead between her breasts. “I almost bought some, but I didn’t want to assume what would happen when I got here.”

            She tugged one of her hands loose of his grip and stroked his hair. “Do you have some at your house?”

            He looked up, his damn pulse rocketing. “No, but there are roughly sixty-two drugstores between here and there.”

            She brushed her fingertips over his cheek. “Let’s go home, then.”

            God. Hearing her say “home,” and knowing what they’d do when they got there . . . He drew in a breath and shuddered it out. “I’m going to need a few minutes.”

            She was back to stroking his hair, and it felt so good. “We have time.”

            Clarity cut through the haze in his mind. Time. She was going to Sunnyside Oaks in roughly thirty-six hours. If DJ Belmont caught wind of who she was . . .

            Time wouldn’t be something they had nearly enough of.


            SUNDAY, MAY 28, 8:00 P.M.

            “Hey.” Graham stuck his head around the curtain separating Hayley’s cubicle from the rest of Joshua’s holdings. Which had grown, because he was now “in charge” and “deserved upgraded facilities.”

            It was insane. There was no upgrade to be had here. It was all horrible. And my baby’s going to born into this. My baby could die here. I could die here.

            Who would take care of Graham? Who would keep him from being “apprenticed”? Not their mother, for sure. She was the reason they were here. She’s the reason my baby’s getting stolen if she lives. She’s—