Say Goodbye (Romantic Suspense #25) by Karen Rose

            “How’s Rafe?”

            “Unhappy. Feds dragged him in for being where he shouldn’t have been. He’ll be okay, though.”

            “Good. Full disclosure, I don’t know exactly where I’m going. Just north, toward Lassen.”

            “I figured,” Gideon said. “We’re hoping we picked the same route that DJ did, right?”

            “Exactly. Contact me if you see anything.” He ended the call and glanced at Croft.

            She was shaking her head again. “Just tell the review board that you took that call when you stopped for gas and I was in the bathroom.”

            “Will do.”

            Tom drove for another twenty minutes before seeing a sign for Oroville. “Door A or B?”

            “I don’t know what to tell you, Tom.”

            “Can you check on the status of the warrant for Daniel Park’s phone records?”

            “Sure.” She made the call to Raeburn’s office while Tom drummed his fingers on the wheel. “Not yet,” she said when she’d hung up. “Judge is evaluating.”

            Tom knew they had to follow due process, but he wished he’d hacked into the guy’s phone himself. He was debating having Croft drive so that he could do exactly that when her cell rang. She listened for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief, thanking the caller.

            “The agent on duty at the Sokolovs’ intercepted a package.”

            “Bomb?” Tom asked, praying that the family and their agents were all right.

            “Big-ass bomb,” she confirmed. “Bomb squad took care of it.”

            He was still shuddering out a relieved breath when his cell buzzed.

            “We’re fucking Grand Central Station here,” Croft groused as she glanced at his phone’s screen. “It’s a 33 international calling code. Is that where I hope it is?”

            “France,” he murmured. “I think Angelina Ward taped my business card together.” He answered, putting it on speaker. “This is Special Agent Hunter.”

            “This is Angelina Ward.”

            “Are you all right?” he asked.

            “Yes, we are now. Thank you for asking. It was terrifying, honestly. I knew a cop was out there that night, but I knew Anthony wasn’t coming home. He’s good at anticipating trouble.”

            She didn’t seem concerned that the agent had died. “You have a safe place?”

            “Very safe.” She laughed, but it was a brittle sound. “I have two French police officers sitting in front of my house. Hopefully they’ll keep Anthony away if he decides to chase us.”

            “You taped my business card back together?”

            “Of course. I think you knew I would. Anthony had cameras everywhere. Having that man, that DJ Belmont, jump the electric fence and murder the three men Anthony left on guard . . . I saw him kill one of the men. I’ve . . . I’ve never seen anyone die before.”

            Tom didn’t think he believed that. “How can I help you, Mrs. Ward?” he asked.

            “You can catch my husband and put him behind bars so that I can sleep again.”

            That he believed. “Can you tell me where he is?”

            “Yes. Did you find my cell phone?”

            Tom frowned. “Yes, ma’am. We found all your devices in a very neat stack.”

            “I wanted Anthony to know I’d left for good if he found the electronics first. I can give you the password to my cell phone. I wiped everything but the app I used to track him.”

            He shared a shocked glance with Croft. “You can track him?”

            “Always have been able to. He never thought I was very smart. But I am. So do you want the password or not?”