Say Goodbye (Romantic Suspense #25) by Karen Rose

            Tom didn’t want the gratitude. He was doing his job. He knew Liza felt the same way.

            “Did you notice that no one asked about DJ?” Liza asked, redirecting the conversation. “I think everyone knew that he was capable of everything we told them.”

            “I agree,” Mercy said. “And I for one am not sorry at all. Pastor, Ephraim, and DJ are all gone. We can live our lives and not worry that they’re coming to kill us.”

            Amos put his arm around Mercy’s shoulders. “Abigail never has to worry about what happens when she turns twelve. You all have done a good thing. I’m proud of you.”

            “It feels . . . unfinished,” Tom murmured. “I mean, there’s still the fifty million to figure out, but over a hundred people have to start new lives.”

            Amos sighed. “They’ll have to learn technology and how to function in a real community. They’ll have to unlearn all the fiction they’ve been taught as fact. Some of them might even choose to continue living in isolation, but they’ll still need support. Land and supplies. Medical care and guidance on how to rebuild legally. It’s not going to be easy.”

            Gideon nodded. “The hard work has just begun.”



            TUESDAY, JULY 4, 2:30 P.M.

How was your first day at nursing school, lubimaya?” Irina asked, settling into the lawn chair next to Liza’s.

            Liza thought this might have been the first time Irina had sat down in days. The Sokolovs were hosting a barbecue and Irina had been in overdrive. The kitchen was filled with food, the house filled with people, and, because no one was shooting at them, the backyard was crowded as well.

            The day was a scorcher, well over a hundred degrees, but awnings shaded and fans blew and children ran through the sprinklers. So many children, including a few from Chicago.

            Karl and Irina had invited Liza and Tom’s family to join them, and they had. It had been a huge surprise—for both Liza and Tom. Apparently Irina, Tom’s mother Caroline, and Liza’s adopted big sister Dana had been burning up the phone lines, setting all this up.

            It was heaven.

            “Surreal,” Liza answered. “I mean, I’d wished so long to get there. I’d served my tour and gotten my undergrad degree, all while hoping to be accepted at UC Davis. I was seriously just happy to be there. But then I went to orientation last week and everyone knew my name.”

            “You are a hero,” Irina commented with a smile. “Again.”

            Liza rolled her eyes, still embarrassed. The news had been saturated with their discovery of Eden and the defeat of DJ Belmont and Pastor. Gideon, Mercy, and Amos had become the poster children of cult survivors, and Hayley and her baby had been showered with Internet affection and real-life gifts.

            Baby Liza Tiffany was the most pampered infant in the city. And grown-up Liza still got a lump in her throat every time she thought of Hayley naming the baby after her.

            “I did what anyone would,” Liza murmured. It was her stock answer and she held to that belief with both hands.

            “Anyone with a good heart and a healthy amount of courage,” Irina said.

            “I had good role models.”

            “Here one of them comes,” Irina commented as Dana Dupinsky Buchanan approached, a tray of cold drinks in her hands.

            “Absolutely.” Liza squeezed Irina’s hand. “And another one is sitting right here.”

            “Ach.” Irina fanned her face with her free hand. “You make me cry.”

            “Liza.” Dana took the chair on her other side, passing them the drinks. “Why are you making this nice lady cry?”

            Liza began to defend herself until she saw that Dana was teasing. “You’re terrible.”

            “So I’ve been told. Regularly.” She reached across Liza to tap her glass to Irina’s. “To all the terrible people who love you.”

            “Hear, hear.” Irina sighed happily. “Everyone is having a good time, yes?”