Say Goodbye (Romantic Suspense #25) by Karen Rose

            Hayley blinked in surprise, then bit back a flinch at the venomous look on Sister Rebecca’s face. If looks could kill, I’d be dead.

            “I’ll help you,” Tamar said, sliding her arm around Hayley’s shoulders. She looked up at Joshua. “She’s due any day. If she falls, she could harm the baby.”

            Joshua glanced at his first wife. “We don’t want that.”

            Rebecca’s expression had shifted from venomous to beatific. “No, we don’t.”

            “Come,” Tamar said, giving Hayley a tug.

            Once they were back in Hayley’s space, Tamar shook her head. “What were you thinking? You can’t provoke your mother like that.”

            Now that it was over, Hayley realized that Tamar was right. She’d let her words fly without thinking. “I’m sorry. When she hit me, I . . .”

            “I know. But you must control your temper.”

            “I know.” Hayley sighed. “You’re right.”

            “And you’re tense.” Tamar started a lower back massage that made Hayley groan. “Have you felt any contractions?”

            “Not yet.” Hayley hugged her belly. “I’ve been hoping she’ll stay put a little longer.”

            “I understand that you’re scared, but if the contractions start, do not fight them. Send Graham to find me immediately. I’m serious. You could be endangering your life and your baby’s. Now, tell me why Graham was really out there. He’s been dumping the pots for a few days now, without complaint. People are talking about it. Now they’re singing his praises, but that could change on a dime.”

            Hayley looked at the curtain. It was pulled and there were no feet visible beneath it, so no one was eavesdropping. Unless they were waiting at the curtain’s edge. “He’s looking for something,” Hayley said, trying to keep it generic.

            “Something to help you escape?”

            Hayley inhaled sharply. “I . . .”

            “It’s all right,” Tamar said. “I don’t think anyone else suspects. I won’t ask more questions for now, because the other wives will be back soon. But I will help you. I want out, too.”

            She’d said it once before and Hayley needed to decide if she could trust her. Tamar could be working on the side of her mother, Rebecca, and Eden. Although Tamar had also lost her child, not to death, but to Rebecca.

            “They have a computer,” Hayley whispered.

            Tamar’s eyes widened, then filled with excitement. “For real?” Then she shut down like someone had flipped a switch. “There you go, Sister Magdalena,” she said, her voice back to soothing and calm. A second later the curtain was whipped back and Joshua’s other wives filed in. “Hopefully the massage helped.”

            One of the wives offered Hayley a cup of water. “Sister Tamar gives the best massages. She’ll be an amazing midwife, even if Sister Coleen isn’t back before your baby arrives.”

            Tamar patted her hand. “I’ve delivered five babies in the past year. Haven’t lost a single one, nor their mothers, so don’t worry. I’m going back to bed as well. Tomorrow, I’ll ask Brother Joshua if I can move my pallet in here, so that I can be close by if you need me. Now, try to rest. You’re going to be needing all the strength you can muster.” She met Hayley’s gaze with determination. “I will help you.”

            I will help you. Tamar hadn’t just been talking about the baby. She’d been talking about their escape. She was moving her pallet tomorrow so that she could be nearby. To help with the baby and their escape.

            Hayley thought about that and about Graham doing the most disgusting of all the compound’s chores so that he could find the satellite dish that was their only hope of communication with the outside world. That was love.

            She curled around her meager pillow, letting that love settle around her and within her. I hope you know we love you, Jellybean. We’re going to find a way to save you.


            THURSDAY, MAY 25, 4:35 A.M.