Fable of Happiness (Fable #2) by Pepper Winters

He couldn’t see my weapon.

They both never suspected I’d break from my extensive conditioning.

And why would they?

After so long, they’d all bought Storymaker’s claims that we were happy in our roles. That we no longer needed extra discipline. That we hadn’t tried to uprise or refuse in years.

And he was right.

It shamed me to my bitter soul that we only whispered about freedom in the dark but were too shit terrified to fight for it.

I supposed that was what happened when you’d been groomed since you were twelve. We were so grateful to have each other but so fucking afraid of what would happen if one of us stepped out of line.

We all paid the price.

All we had was each other.

And that was both a blessing and a curse.

Mrs. Willby blew me a kiss. “You’re so handsome, Kas. I think I’ll ask Stu about taking you home with us. I know he’s denied my request before but you’re older now. You need some life experience.”

I forced myself to smile, reaching for my weapon. “A change of scenery would be good.”

She beamed, flicking a disillusioned look at her beer-bellied husband. “I agree. It would be very good indeed.” Winking at me, she added, “Now, let’s play a game. I’ve missed you and you’ve made me rather eager.”

I shuddered, feeling the binds of conditioning, the constant need to protect my Fable family, the evil whispers in my head to submit, surrender, succumb.

Be a good boy.

Do precisely what they say.

Beg, moan, crawl, and cry.

I straightened my spine.

I curled my hand around the knife.

No more.

Tonight, I’m done.

I smiled at my masters.

I raised my hand, flames glinting off my blade.

And it was so easy.

Too easy.

The knife was sharp.

Mrs. Willby’s throat was soft.

I swooped up, sliced deep, and her skin parted like melted butter, blood pouring like a red, red river.

For a second, nothing happened.

Mrs. Willby blinked like an owl.

Mr. Willby chuckled as if I’d introduced a new game.

And then, all fucking hell broke loose.

She went to scream.

I shoved her backward and smashed a pillow over her face as she bled out.

Mr. Willby yelled a curse, throwing himself on me.

I elbowed him in the gut, spun around, hacked off his cock, then gave him the same bloody end as his wife.

His throat almost split completely in two. My force was too strong, making his head unstable and his body buckling instantaneously.

He gurgled and choked.

I moved the pillow from dead Mrs. Willby’s face to his, waiting until his final death throes ceased before standing and pulling up my jeans.

Blood drenched my chest, cooling and metallic.

The force of what I’d just done hit me out of nowhere, making me projectile vomit all over my two victims.

I stumbled against the bed.

I second-guessed everything.

If this goes wrong, everyone you love dies.

I clutched my blade and marched out of my bedroom to Quell.

I didn’t remember much after that.

It was nothing but a blur.

I was dancing.





No, saving.

Saving my family, my loved ones.

I worked my way down the corridor, my bare footprints leaving crimson tracks on the expensive carpet. As each one of my family members were freed, they fell into line with me.

They watched my back as I ended all eighteen guests and turned the bedroom floor into a tomb.

Thanks to our mostly blind master and his two dumb-as-fuck guards, the muffled screams and cries for help as I stepped into rooms, threw myself on the members of Fables, and massacred them where they stood, were written off as groans of passion.

The corridors always echoed with screams on nights like this.

It was no different.

Only difference was the guests were the ones bleeding tonight, not us.

Once the last throat was cut, I looked at my half-dressed, shock-induced family, and commanded them to stay upstairs. “Stay here until I say it’s safe to run, then go to the dormitory, pack what you need and be ready.”

I had three more murders to commit.


Maliki and Jareth stepped forward. “We’ll come with you.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I’ve got this. You need to find Wes. I cut him loose earlier today, but I don’t think he’ll have made it far.”

“Wes is still alive?” Nyx squeaked. They’d shared the closest bond. Far closer than sister and brother like the rest of us. I’d always pitied them, finding love, connection in a horrid place like this.

“He is. He’s been kept in the cabin.” I tried to keep impatience out of my voice. “He’s heading toward the cave but needs help.”

Nyx immediately tugged Sarez toward the stairs. “Come on. We need to find him.”

“Not yet. Stay here until I’ve dealt with Storymaker,” I growled. “It’s not safe yet.”

“I’ll help you kill him,” Neo hissed.

“No, I’m doing this alone—”

“Kas, let me—”

“I said no. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

Not waiting for more arguing, I slinked down the stairs with my butcher’s blade high.