Empire of Desire by Rina Kent

I’ve been dead for so long and my resurrection to life hurts in a bittersweet kind of way.

For someone who doesn’t do kissing, Nate is the type who swallows you whole with the mere act. There isn’t an inch of me that doesn’t belong to him right now. And the dominant way he grabs me by the hair and neck to deepen the kiss turns me delirious.

As if that’s not enough, he trails his lips to my neck and sucks on the skin of my collarbone. I hiss in sharp intakes of air, feeling the hickey already forming.

“I’ve fucking missed your vanilla scent.”

“I thought vanilla was boring,” I breathe out.

“Not on you.”

I’m so delirious, that I barely register when he places two hands under my ass and lifts me up, then places me on a surface after he knocks everything off of it.

My skin tingles and catches fire when he pulls my skirt up and cups me through my panties.

“I see you’re wet for me, baby girl.”

“Only for you.”

“Fuck. Say that again.”

“I only get wet for you, husband.” I reach for his belt, but he shakes his head.

“Not so fast. Let me take my fill of you.”

“Nate…please… Don’t you miss me?”

“Oh, I fucking do. But you’ll be my good girl, won’t you, wife?” He pulls down my panties and slips them in his pocket. I trap my lip between my teeth as I watch. I’ve missed that, him confiscating my panties.

“I didn’t hear an answer.”

“I’ll be your bad girl, too.”

“You will?”


He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me to the edge. My fingers splay out on his shoulders and then I’m kissing him again because I love it. I love how his tongue toys with mine and how he nibbles on my lips, letting me know who’s in control.

And he is, because I completely let go and I still feel powerful as fuck. He makes me feel it with the way he worships my body, the way his hands are all over my breasts, my waist, and my thighs as if he can never get enough of me.

He makes me feel powerful by wanting me with a ferociousness that turns him animalistic, and I get off on that.

I get off on how he wants me, not caring about the consequences or what the world thinks of us.

While he’s still kissing me, he frees his cock and lifts me slightly off the table so he can drive inside me.

“Oh, God,” I mumble against his lips, my eyelids slowly closing.

“No. Look at me while I fuck you, wife.”

I open my eyes and our gazes lock as he thrusts into me slow and long and deep. So deep that he hits a place I didn’t think existed.

With each roll of his hips, he not only fills up the emptiness, but he also engraves himself into that large space in my heart that he’s been occupying for years.

The space that kept growing without my permission and wouldn’t stop.

His lips find my forehead, my cheek, my nose, my collarbone as he whispers, “You’re so fucking beautiful. So fucking addictive. So fucking mine.”

And then he claims my mouth, his tongue emulating the same depth of his cock. They both pick up speed, his tongue and his cock, making the table hit the wall with each powerful rock of his hips.

He kisses like he fucks, with maddening urgency and impeccable control. He kisses like he never wants to separate his lips and tongue from mine. And I’m a goner for his possessive dominance, for the way he handles me with sure command, for the way he knows every inch of my body.

I don’t last long under the assault.

My head turns and my vision becomes hazy, but I don’t close my eyes as I shatter around him. I want him to see me, to see the feelings that he provokes in me and how uncontrollable they are. I want him to see me, not his friend’s daughter, not the girl who’s eighteen years younger than him, but the woman who’s so irrevocably in love with him, she’s slowly dying at the thought of losing him.

A grunt spills from his lips as he empties himself inside me, the warmth making me moan against his mouth.

And then he’s kissing me again. It’s harsh and unyielding as if he’s also telling me something.

What, I don’t know.

When we finally break apart, a line of saliva forms between us and he licks it off my lips, ripping a shudder out of me.

“I don’t want to go out there,” I whisper, wiggling so I can feel him inside me.

“We can stay here.”


“If you want.”

We remain like that for a moment before he pulls out of me and uses some tissues to clean me up. And then he’s between my legs as we fix each other’s clothes like we’re an old married couple. That puts a smile on my face as I adjust his tie.

“What are you smiling about?”

“This. Us spending peaceful time together.”

“We always did that when we used to live together.”

“Yeah, we did. I miss those days.”

He lifts my chin with two fingers. “We’ll go back to those days soon.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“I have something on King.”

“Are you…are you going to hurt him?” Yes, he’s difficult and we’ve had our differences lately, but I’d never let anyone harm Dad. Not even Nate.