The Damaged (The Insiders Trilogy #2) - Tijan by Tijan

He had rich, dark black hair, dark eyes. Those eyes fell to me, taking me in with interest, and he seemed to take a step back. He murmured, “Well, then. Now I see why.”

Kash reached around me, holding his hand out. “Robbie. It’s good to see you.”

“And you. And you.” He was pumping Kash’s hands, but his attention was all on me. Letting him go, Robbie turned more fully to face me, as Kash’s free hand went to the back of my neck, his fingers resting around my nape. Robbie was eating me up. “And who is this?”

Kash settled on the back of his heels, getting comfortable. This wasn’t a Kash I was totally familiar with, at least not in others’ presence, not when it wasn’t just the two of us. And Kash seemed unaware of all the customers waiting in line, but glancing back, I saw Erik standing outside the restaurant at one door, and at the other door was Fitz. Both took their positions, backs to the windows and watching the street and the line.

“This is Bailey.” Kash nodded at Robbie. “Bailey, this is a friend of mine from my father’s neighborhood.”

Oh! I took a lot more notice now. He would’ve known Aunt Judith, Cousin Stephanie, maybe even Uncle Martin. Those names were fictional to me, but I knew that life wasn’t for Kash. I was fascinated in some odd way. Fascinated because Kash never talked about that life, but I knew it was there. I knew he spent time with his family, even though Peter had taken him in after his parents were murdered.

“Come, come.” Robbie broke through the line, leading us around to a booth that was being cleaned even as we approached. He stepped aside, motioning. “Sit. Relax. Let me have my staff bring a feast to you both.” He winked at me. “I’ll be right back.”

Kash knew the manager of this Burriotle. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I was, and I had no idea why.

I turned to Kash once Robbie disappeared through the back. “Explain, please.”

I used his words back on him, and judging by the knowing grin, Kash was aware of that. He turned his back to the customers going back and forth past our booth and wrapped his hand around my neck once more. Bending down slightly, he was creating our own private moment, and his head moved so his forehead was just slightly above mine.

His thumb was rubbing over my neck.

“When I visited my aunt, Robbie was on the block. I didn’t go see them a lot—less after I moved in with your family—but Robbie, his brother, and I got into a fair bit of trouble.”

I was waiting for more.

He paused.

Oh no. That wasn’t it. I raised an eyebrow. “More, please.”

He laughed, his hand moving to cup the side of my face, his thumb rubbing over my cheek now, falling to my lips and moving back. “His uncle runs a gym. When I started training, it was with Robbie and Ace. We didn’t hang out as much when I stopped coming around, but Robbie reached out a couple years ago. He needed start-up for this place, so I gave it to him.”

Both my eyebrows shot up now. “He owns it?”

Kash nodded, his eyes dipping to my mouth and staying there. “He doesn’t manage it. I bought the franchise fee for him and he runs everything else. It’s doing well, and I take a cut.”

Holy crap. I noticed the customers in a whole different light.

Feeling a little faint, I asked, “Why am I amazed by this? I know who you are, what other businesses you do, and yet you owning the local Burriotle is blowing my mind.”

Kash chuckled. “Ace is a big-time MMA fighter. If I hadn’t chipped in, Robbie would’ve needed only to wait another year. Ace would’ve bought in instead. I got lucky with the timing.”

“Does my dad know about this?”

A guarded look fell over Kash, clouding his face. He didn’t move away, but I felt him pulling away. His hand slid to the back of my neck again, his thumb holding over my pulse. “No. I did a lot, and do a lot, that your father doesn’t know about.”

I was hearing a different tone from him. Was that disappointment from Kash? Was that what I was hearing?

“I’m sorry.” I lifted a hand, wrapping it around his wrist.

His pulse jumped at my words. His eyes darkened again. “Why are you apologizing?”

“Because, for some reason, that hurts you.” I was going with my gut, not really knowing what I was saying until the words were out. “My dad hurt you. I don’t know how or why, but he did.”

Kash’s eyes grew intense. He didn’t respond, just held me, feeling my heartbeat, and his eyes locked on mine. I couldn’t move.

My other hand went to his chest, resting over his stomach muscles.

They were so tense, too.

He drew me to him, his lips moving to mine in a light and soft kiss before he let me go.

“I love you. Do you know how much?”

He rested his forehead to mine, drawing in a deep breath.

My throat swelled. “How much?”

His hand tightened on mine. “The depths sometimes amaze me. And other times…”

My heart began beating faster. “And other times?”

“And other times it scares me.”

I wasn’t sure what he meant. My pulse was beating an erratic drum in me, so I wasn’t sure if I wanted to ask, either.

Then, I didn’t have to.

The moment was broken a second later when Robbie returned to the table, but as he sat and talked with Kash, as the two laughed, as we had food and drinks brought over, I was still feeling the effect of those words from Kash.