The Damaged (The Insiders Trilogy #2) - Tijan by Tijan

I understood why she clammed up.

Liam added, “Though I don’t think anyone will get too excited about it this year. It’s pretty obvious you’ll get it.”

But he didn’t know, and I didn’t know, and I realized then that I hadn’t heard from my father for almost three weeks. And I further realized I was okay with that. As for Chrissy, she’d been quiet, too. She had texted a couple mornings ago.

Checking in, sweetie. How’s everything going?

I didn’t respond to her. I didn’t know why, but as soon as I put the phone away, my mind was moving on to other things.

I was leaving our afternoon class when my phone started ringing.

Torie calling.

Melissa was with me. We were both watching Hoda, who’d been back the past two days. She stuck to herself, only talking once with Liam, who walked away, looking annoyed. Melissa asked what the conversation was about but he didn’t say. He just got that same annoyed look and left us, too. So we were standing, eyeing Hoda, who was sitting at a table in the hallway, acting as if she didn’t know we were mostly glaring her way. But she did, and we knew she did, and we were still doing it anyway.

I answered, “Hey, Torie.”

Hoda’s head snapped up. Her eyes jumped right to me.

“Bailey,” she breathed into the phone. “Tamara called, and her man broke up with her. We need a girls’ night, stat.”


She overrode me. “Kash gave me the night off. I’m calling in reinforcements. Get over to our apartment in an hour. You got any girlfriends from school?”

I opened my mouth.

Melissa had heard. She piped up next to me. “She totally does! Me!”

“Well, whoever you are, get Bailey and your asses to our apartment. Just let one of those hottie guards know you’re going to Torie’s place. Now, I have a question. Are you the type of girls who want food before drinks and dancing? Or are you the Taco Bell after drinks and dancing type of girls?”

“Uh…” Melissa looked clueless.

I took the phone back. “We’ll bring something to tide us over—”

Melissa grabbed the phone. “No! Drinking. Dancing. Taco Bell. That’s what we’re doing tonight.”

Torie chuckled, still sounding all smooth and seductive but I was wondering if this was how she was, off duty. “Add in shots, and I’m not talking shots where they can be added into the drinking section. Shots get their own category. Trust me, Tam will be hurting a little less by the end of the night.”

She hung up.

I turned to Erik. He was the closest. I didn’t say a word. He nodded before I could. “We know her place. We’ll get you there.”

“You’re off duty soon.”

“Scott and the new guys know it. You’re covered.” He looked at Melissa, then back to me. “Are we giving your friend a ride to get ready, too?”

Melissa’s eyes got big. “That would be amazing.”

I guess we were now, and I didn’t mean that in a snarky way. I meant that in a belated, I-feel-like-shit way, because I hadn’t even thought about offering. I was glad Erik did, and I felt his eyes on me as I was thinking all of this.

“Where are you going?” Liam had migrated over after the call.

Melissa shot straight up. “Girls’ night. You’re not invited. And I hope we go to Naveah at some point.” She leaned into me, her side brushing my arm. “That would be amazing.”

I gave Liam a grin as we started to head out. “This’ll be awesome.”

He grinned back. “Have fun.”

We went outside and got in the waiting SUV. The guys all sat in the front while Melissa and I were in the back.

“Where to?”

Melissa gave him directions to her apartment and my phone was buzzing as we started going. Kash.

You’re with the girls tonight?

I reiterated about Tamara.

That sucks. How was your day?

He asked the same thing every day, once I got into the vehicle. And it always had the same effect; pure golden warmth washing through me.

Day was good. Did you catch any more Calhoun moves and counter them?

I asked every day. This was another routine I’d fallen into.

Every day. I’ll be working from the Naveah office tonight if you’re there.

My heart fluttered.

I’m sure that’ll happen. Torie said dancing.

And Naveah was one of the hot spots to dance at in Chicago.

If you go to Octavo, tell me. I know the owners, but I want extra security on you if you go there.

Me: Okay. I’m sure we’ll stick to Naveah tho.

Kash: Still.

Me: Okay. Love you.

Kash: Love you. Have fun tonight.

Me: Please don’t work so hard.

Kash: I won’t. Love you.

I noticed Melissa watching me as I put my phone away.


She had a weird look in her eyes, one I’d never noticed before. She shook her head, her mouth twitching. She kept looking at where I’d stowed my phone away. “Nothing.”

I saw the grin. I also saw the fight to keep it back, and I rolled my eyes. “He’s my boyfriend.”

“He’s one hot boyfriend.”

Melissa’s grin was wide. It kept widening until we got to her place.