Munro (Immortals After Dark #18) by Kresley Cole

            “Thirteen,” she said. “They had always tried to get me to practice throwing the blade and to train, but I was only interested in working with the horses. Yet after their deaths, I swore that I would pick up the mantle and join the Night War. It got me through my grief.”

            Now that her view of immortals had changed, so too had her view of the Night War. It was a fight against evil to benefit both humans and good Loreans alike.

            He drew her closer. “I wish I could have helped you. And them.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Thank you for telling me.”

            She leaned into him. “I miss them. Though I grew up with danger all around, they always made me feel safe. I remember being tucked in my trundle bed in our snug wagon. Each night, I would drift off to the sounds of my parents working outside, my father’s soft crooning to the horses and my mother’s blades hitting the target again and again.”

            “They sound wonderful.”

            “They were.” Telling Munro about them did make her feel closer to him. Except . . . “My parents did whatever it took to avoid losing their humanity. Can you understand why I don’t want the choice to be taken from me?”

            His brows drew together over his solemn gaze. “Lass . . .”

            A knock on the door saved him from answering.

            She sighed and pulled back from him. “Our meal must be here.”

            “We’ll speak more of this after we get through our meeting.” He smiled down at her. But it didn’t reach his eyes.

            “You’ve been quiet,” Munro said as he and Ren readied to leave the villa. “Are you nervous?”

            “Maybe.” Only half the truth. Words had failed her when she’d first seen him clean shaven and dressed in formal attire. A superbly cut black jacket accentuated his broad shoulders and tall stature, while tailored trousers drew the eye to his lean hips.

            Devastating male.

            His gaze was warm with approval over her own appearance. “Look at you. You’ll outshine them all.”

            After they’d enjoyed a surprisingly delicious meal, she’d explored more of the villa. The sleeping chamber had a huge bed piled with silks. The adjoining bathroom appeared more modern than the inn’s. Inside a spacious closet, garments fit for royalty clad various dress models.

            Despite the dazzling choices, she’d decided to conjure her own clothing: an ankle-length gown of cobalt silk with black slippers. Rounding out the ensemble were diamond stud earrings and a knife holster around her arm. She gestured to it and asked, “Do you think they’ll take this as a sign of hostility?”

            “Does no’ matter. I want your blade within easy reach.”

            “Are you anticipating trouble?”

            “No’ in particular. Apparently Lothaire is a stickler for protocols, and he’s officially extended his protection to us while we’re here. But I will take no chances.”

            “So what do I do at court?” She wouldn’t mind talking to Lothaire’s Bride—the woman transformed by the very ring Munro sought. “Should I curtsy?”

            “No’ on your life. Remaining civil to Lothaire is going to be difficult enough for me as it is. I feel like we’re going hat in hand to a vampire, a trying prospect for a proud wolf like me.”

            She could imagine. “Tell me more about Lothaire.” Does he need to be put down?

            “He was a member of the Horde for some time. He drank from enough beings to garner a lot of information about the Lore yet no’ enough to go completely mad. His eyes are tinged red, but he’s supposed to be sane for the most part. At three thousand years old, the leech king is as brilliant as he is devious.”

            “And I thought you were old!”

            Munro raised a brow at that. “Age brings power to immortals. Couple that with all the knowledge he’s harvested, and he’s a formidable foe to have. Lachlain gave me a piece of advice: doona lie to Lothaire. He’ll know. And since natural-born vampires canna tell a falsehood, they despise it when others can.”

            “Noted. No lies to Lothaire. What else did you learn about him?”