Munro (Immortals After Dark #18) by Kresley Cole

            Munro’s lips parted. “I owe you much.”

            Will held his gaze. “My tab with you can never be paid.”

            His brother’s appearance struck him anew. “You really are happy.”

            Easy nod. “You’re free from those fucking warlocks, and we’re both mated. Hands of gods, no?”

            “As nothing before.”

            Will said, “Madadh told me you killed the archwarlock’s son.”

            “I was responsible for his death.” Might as well get this over with. “You must’ve also heard about the warlocks’ gateway.”

            “Aye.” A beat passed before Will added, “I know you considered using it for our parents.” Will would take it hard that Munro had been so close to retrieving them.

            “It’s not as simple as it sounds.” Munro explained the sacrifice required, then said, “The Instinct commanded me to destroy it.”

            “We could never have paid that toll. I wish things had worked out differently, but I understand.” Will sounded like a different man.

            “I thought you would react badly.”

            “No’ too long ago, I would have. But I’ve made peace with the past—and some adjustments in myself.”

            “Starting to get that idea.” A sudden thought made Munro frown. “Why were you no’ crazed last night? You’re a mated Lykae.”

            “I’ve got skillz. I now possess total control over my beast. I can make it recede, even when the moon is full. In fact, I have no’ released it since I found out you were taken.”

            “Uh-huh. Come on, you must’ve had another cuff.”

            “There’s only one of those, trust me. Getting cozy with caimans was no’ my first choice,” he said. “We’ve much to talk about, but I know you doona want to leave your mate for long.”

            “Though I’ve a thousand questions for you, I need to be there for her when she wakes.” Munro wanted no more surprises for a female who’d already experienced a lifetime of them.

            “Go. Enjoy,” Will said. “We’ve all the time in the worlds to talk. Chloe and I will be back at the lodge doing a few repairs.”

            “Thank you. Tell my new sister hello.”

            Over his shoulder, he called, “I can now say the same to you.”

            Munro returned to where Kereny lay sleeping, and his heart stuttered to see her curled up on that bed of grass with rays of sunlight caressing her bare skin.

            Should he wake her with a kiss? Last night had in no way sated him—or her, he suspected. Their hunger for each other would prove never-ending, an appetite they’d feed for eternity.

            His phone vibrated. Then again. And again. “Fine. Fine.” He tugged it from his pocket and checked the home screen, finding two new voicemails from Balery, and now a text from her as well. What was so important for her to tell him?

            He pulled up the message. Read it.

            And muttered, “Motherfucker.”


            Warm skin pressed against Ren’s naked body, and masculine fingers stroked her hair. She opened her eyes and found Munro gazing down at her.

            “Good afternoon, love.”

            “I slept so long? Wait, I can talk?” She shot upright. Her fangs had receded. She moved her fingers. Wiggled her toes. By herself! “Where is the beast?”

            “Still there, just taking a nap. You’ve got a control cuff now.”

            “I feared I would never get a chance to talk to you again!” She glanced at her wrist. The battered silver cuff was covered with inscriptions. She flinched when her Instinct warned —Be wary of magics!—

            “You’ll get used to the Instinct. And to the cuff. It’s a temporary solution, but with luck, it’ll give us time to work on mastering your beast.”