Munro (Immortals After Dark #18) by Kresley Cole

            Ren sat back down and said to Chloe, “Munro mentioned you two are moving once all the excitement passes.”

            Chloe said, “Conall is so nice, and I like being close to my relatives.” The portal to the Ubus Realm lay within the Woods of Murk. “Plus, the boys miss Scotland.”

            Few things could get Benneit to talk, but he grew almost chatty if she asked him about the Highlands. Even Rónan—who had a crush on that local witch—longed for the land of his birth.

            Chloe continued, “It’d be a great place to raise kids, so I took it upon myself to buy even more acreage in case you guys want to build there.”


            Chloe grabbed her phone and showed Ren pictures of the gorgeous property. “Not bad, huh?”

            “Oh, that looks incredible!” Then she frowned. “But Munro will have to lead Bheinnrose in Nova Scotia. He told me he feels guilty that he’s left it without a chieftain for so long.”

            Chloe leaned in and confided, “Will thinks that’s just an excuse, and that really Munro is angling for a mental-health break from him, which I could totally understand.”

            “Not at all! Munro doesn’t want a break.”

            Chloe sighed. “Men. So let’s find another chieftain for Bheinnrose.”

            Ren tapped her chin. “Yes, great idea.” She already had someone in mind, a clan elder who’d taken over Glenrial’s watch while Madadh was imprisoned in Quondam.

            “Full disclosure,” Chloe said. “The Woods of Murk are stirring a touch because of the Accession. My family has spotted a few unwelcome creatures popping up here and there, but I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

            Creatures in the woods? Ren sucked in a breath. “Oh, Chloe.” She suddenly knew what her future would entail. “I want to patrol those woods. I want to be . . . a Sentinel.” Had everything in her life led up to this? As an immortal, she could inflict serious damage on predatory Loreans. The Night War would continue in its new iteration.

            Chloe clapped with delight. “Then welcome to the neighborhood watch!”

            They cracked up at that, were still laughing when the twins arrived home, striding out to join them.

            Chloe muttered, “Man, what a pair. I figured out why we get along so well. You’re the only female who knows how good my mate looks naked that I don’t want to skewer.”

            Ren chuckled. “Whenever I catch sight of Munro, my beast leaps inside me.”

            “It must be so weird to have a force like that taking up residence in your body.”

            “Wait till you get pregnant.” When Munro greeted her with a toe-curling kiss, she asked him, “Any leads?” But she was so attuned to him that she sensed the frustration he tried to hide.

            He opened the cooler. “Mayhap tomorrow.” He politely refilled her cider, then popped the top on a bottle of beer. “Jels is squirrelly, but we’ll keep at it.”

            Will asked Chloe, “You in the mood for dinner, lass?” He gave her a look that could turn rock into lava.

            She coyly grinned up at him. “I happen to be famished.”

            Ren was about to suggest ordering pizza delivery on her new app, until she recalled her cambion friend’s unique diet.

            Will swooped Chloe into his arms. “Let’s see if I canna go whip something up for you.”

            As he jogged off with Chloe laughing all the way, Ren shared a grin with Munro.

            He said, “I’m actually glad Rónan suggested that sound-dampening spell for all of our bedrooms.” At the time, Munro had warned about magic being a slippery slope—but afterward when Ren had screamed her pleasure, he’d conceded, “Magic has its upsides.”

            Her grin faded when he sat beside her. “You look exhausted. You’re pushing yourself too hard.”

            He sipped his beer. Staring down at the bottle, he admitted, “Mayhap that wee fucker on the way keeps me from sleeping.”