Munro (Immortals After Dark #18) by Kresley Cole

            “I want you immortal. The rest is just details.”

            She began to pace. “You plan to bite me and make me a crazed newling? You’re as insane as they are.”

            He stood as well. “We would find a way to control the rabidity newlings face, or we’d investigate a different species. And I will never bite you. Humans seldom resurrect.” A shadow crossed his expression. “Females even more rarely.”

            “How easily you talk about stealing my species from me.” He wasn’t even sure what creature she would become, just had decided she couldn’t remain mortal! He thought she was his to change by right. “If you’re so keen for us to be the same, why don’t you figure out how to turn yourself human?”

            He didn’t bother to hide his bafflement. “No one in their right mind would choose mortality over immortality. Why would I wish to lose my strength and abilities? My Instinct? Losing that would be like losing my soul. No’ to mention my beast.” He moved to stand in front of her, placing an arm against the wall to block her way.

            Despite her fury, crackling chemistry passed between them, licking at her skin.

            “Immortality is a gift, lass. I would no’ be stealing from you. I’d be giving to you.”

            Typical Lorean arrogance! The more she thought about what he’d said, the madder she grew. “Here’s some advice. When you’re out wooing the next woman that you mistake for your mate, don’t tell her that you’re planning to fundamentally alter everything about her. You couldn’t have insulted me more, you muleheaded oaf!”

            And his plans didn’t stop with transforming her! He also intended to rut on her until she bore his werewolven progeny.

            He was part man, part beast. She could guess which half his offspring would favor. He’d called Lykae children pups. She pictured little wolven creatures. Would they bite? Maybe teething would take on a whole new meaning?

            He drew in closer. “When you get like this, it’s everything I can do no’ to take your lips. Turn all this fiery anger into something else entirely.”

            Underneath her outrage, temptation simmered. Despite his many faults, she desired the Lykae. Nothing could be more forbidden. She hardened herself against his immortal spellbinding.

            “As for the other, I’ve made no mistake about you, Kereny.” Care-nay. “You are my mate. You’re feeling the pull to me, just as I am to you.”

            She ducked under his arm and edged toward the water. She wanted away from him. Away from the forbidden.

            She could charge through the cascade, dive into the pool, then sprint as fast as her legs could take her—

            “You’re thinking about running? From me?”

            When she faced him, some kind of dark promise gleamed in his eyes. His gaze raked over her as if he fantasized about catching her. He’d told her that the chase excited wolves like him.

            She would never be able to escape him, and fleeing wasn’t her way. How many times had she stood her ground against terrifying threats, confronting the unconfrontable?

            But now she faced an enemy unlike any before.


            Her fingers curled for the reassuring feel of her knife. With all of his talk about turning her, the wolf had distracted Ren from her plans to reclaim it, but now she would refocus. The best way to get away from him is to get closer to him.

            Carefully. The attraction between her and Munro was a double-edged sword. “I won’t run from you.”

            He cleared his throat. “Good.”

            How much power did a mate wield over a Lykae male? When she’d shown him her legs earlier, he’d seemed mesmerized.

            She could seduce him, make him mindless, then strike—unless he suspected her of doing just that and kept on guard. A plan evolved. As she used to do with her shell games, she’d keep him focused on the wrong direction, making him think she seduced him for another reason. “Are you an alpha, Munro?”

            “Aye, you could say that. The warlocks targeted me because of the strength of my beast.”

            “Can you control those newlings?”