Munro (Immortals After Dark #18) by Kresley Cole

            Through gritted teeth, she said, “The. Year.” The grip on her blade changed.

            He exhaled in defeat. “Verra well.”


            Ren’s lungs deflated when his answer sank in.

            Wandering this metropolis, she’d seen ever more hints of the time, until she’d finally asked an inebriated group for the year. They’d given her the same answer as Munro. She’d assured herself she shouldn’t believe people who were that drunk.

            “A century has passed,” she murmured now. “That gateway was more than a portal. It was a time machine.” She’d read about them in her books.

            “Aye. And much has changed. But I will help you acclimate to everything.”

            “They’re dead.” Jacob, Vanda, Puideleu, and all of her hunters had passed on. She swallowed hard as tears threatened. “I can’t stay in this time and place. I must return to the Cursed Forest—in my time!”

            “That’s no’ possible.”

            Misery transformed to fury. “You tricked me into another era! Yet another lie.”

            “I dinna tell you, no. And I have been dishonest with you, but my lies were in the service of saving your life.”

            “You wrecked the warlocks’ gateway, my only way home. You fucking snake!”

            “That’s no’ why I did it. My Lykae Instinct told me to destroy it. You would never be safe as long as it existed, and you would no’ have wanted to use it anyway. Tempus required a sacrifice for every trip to the past.”

            The image of that female on the altar flashed in Ren’s mind. “Yet you went to the past to collect me.” She raised her blade against him. “Did you order Ormlo to kill that young woman?” She’d heard Munro tell the warlock that he wouldn’t sacrifice innocents, but now she didn’t know what to believe.

            “Nay, she was a friend. Those five warlocks in the temple had already taken her heart when I came upon them.”

            She studied his expression and decided she believed him.

            “Kereny, there’s a time differential between Quondam and the mortal realm, which buys us some breathing room, but the warlocks will mount an attack here soon.” He scanned the area, a soldier on alert, before he faced her again. “They’ll try to capture you to get back at me. Jels vowed as much when Ormlo died.”

            “Ormlo is dead?” Good riddance.

            “Aye, and Jels will stop at nothing to avenge his son. He’s an archwarlock, their leader.”

            She’d caught a look at Jels after he’d fired on her, had recognized pure evil. Exactly the kind of immortal I’m sworn to fight. “Then what is your plan? Are we meeting up with your pack?” A sentence she never thought she’d utter. But she needed numbers to challenge a force of warlocks, and she couldn’t simply sound an alarm and have dozens of hunters appear.

            “We canna go to Glenrial, our Louisiana settlement, no’ yet. We have sentries on the wall, but the warlocks would just vassal them, using our own people against us. I’m taking you to Loa’s Emporium, a Lore shop. Loa is a friend and a valuable resource. She can help us.”

            Ren turned from him and surveyed an unfamiliar town in an unfamiliar time. She was as good as exiled—all of her connections broken by decades.

            Nonetheless, onward was her mantra for a reason. She wasn’t one to dwell on things that she couldn’t change. She had always worked to keep moving forward, to wring satisfaction from despair.

            How to move forward now?

            Just when she thought she would go mad, she recalled her mother’s words: Every day a bed is made and unmade. If some Lorean power had brought Ren to the future, then some Lorean power could send her back. The abilities of immortals were never-ending.

            Unfortunately, Munro—the very one who’d stolen her from her time—was her best lead to find such a being.

            “We have to get moving, lass. Now that their gateway is gone, the Forgotten will no’ kill you. They will keep you.”