Empire of Sin (Empire #2) by Rina Kent

But it only gets worse.

I shouldn’t have slept with him that day.

I shouldn’t have been selfish and wished for something I’m not allowed to have.

What’s more, I should’ve run as fast as I could the day I met him again. Just why the hell did I let it go so far?

Why did I allow him to become such a vital part of my life that I feel physically sick at the thought of parting from him?

“What is it?”

I jolt near the reception area and nearly spill the coffee. I realize I’m grasping the holder in a death-grip and my whole body is tight as I look over my shoulder.

To where I left Aleksander across the street.

I didn’t even notice Knox approaching me. He’s standing in front of me now, wearing a sharp gray suit and holding his leather briefcase.

Lauren and Chris are a few steps behind him. They’re going to a hearing, I recall. Sandra’s. I said I wouldn’t be able to attend today, because I’m sure Adrian or Kirill will be there. Or worse, someone else.

And if I were to see any of them, I’d have a meltdown of epic proportions.

“Jane.” There’s a warning in his tone, a demand for me to answer his question.

On one hand, I’m thankful he respects my choice about my public persona and didn’t call me Anastasia. But on the other hand, I’m starting to hate this name.

The fake one.

The wrong one.


He grabs me by the elbow and pushes me to the hall, away from eavesdroppers.

Then he’s towering over me, his height and presence blocking any outside interference and causing my stomach to tighten. I’ve always loved having him so close that I can’t see anyone past him.

When did this position become my favorite?

He observes me for a second, his lethal eyes narrowing for a beat. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”

“There’s really n—”

“Don’t finish that lie.” His features harden and a muscle works in his jaw. That’s when I know that I won’t like what he’ll say next. “You think I haven’t noticed your jumpy, shifty attitude since I caught you packing and ready to run? I’ve given you enough time to mull it over and I need an answer now.”

My focus shifts sideways when someone passes us by. “This isn’t the time or place. Don’t you have a hearing?”

“I’m not moving from here until you give me something. Is it about the car that’s been following you for the past week?”

I flinch, my back hitting the wall behind me. “W-what?”

“No amount of distraction on your part will scatter my focus from my surroundings, Anastasia. So tell me, is it about that? Are they people from your past?”

“Why are you so sure they were following me? Maybe they were following you.”

“They didn’t when I left the firm, but they just did when you went out to get coffee.”


It was wishful thinking to believe he wouldn’t notice.

This is Knox, after all. He’s so attuned to details, it’s disturbing sometimes. But even he didn’t notice Adrian’s sniper. Instead of being in-your-face like Aleksander, Adrian and Kirill more discreet yet highly efficient.

If Adrian chooses to, he can kill him in a heartbeat.

My lips tremble at that and I force them shut because Knox is still looking at me, waiting for an answer.

I swallow, resisting the urge to put a hand on my chest, since he knows it’s a nervous habit. “It’s really nothing. I swear.”

He jams his fist at the wall beside my head and I startle, even though the move isn’t strong or surprising. I think it’s the expression on his face that shoots tendrils of fear to the bottom of my stomach.

Knox isn’t the type to get angry often or without a reason, but his jaw is clenching now and a muscle jumps in the veins of his neck.

His anger is raw, furious yet still calm. And I’m in the middle of it now. Worse, I think I’ll be swept away by it.

“If you repeat the word “nothing” one more time, I swear to fuck…” he trails off, his nostrils flaring.

“Can’t you just leave it alone?”



“Why are you building a wall between us, Anastasia? Hmm?”

“I am?”

“I feel it, and it keeps getting taller with every passing second.”

“Maybe that wall was supposed to be there from the beginning. It’s safer. For both of us.”

“You mean, for you.”

All the anxiety and fear of the unknown rush to the surface, exploding in a myriad of red-hot temper. “Yes, for me! You have no idea who I am or what you’ve gotten yourself into. The day you do, you’ll curse the moment you met me. I’m defective, okay? Do you know what I do to people? I destroy them.”

“You can’t destroy me, beautiful. That was done way before you came along, so how about you tell me what’s haunting you?”

“How do you know something’s haunting me?”

“I saw it that night. In your ocean blue eyes. They were a little bit haunted, a little bit broken. Just like me. Usually, I don’t get close to people who give off vibes that resemble mine, but you were the exception, my little liar. You still are.”