Empire of Sin (Empire #2) by Rina Kent

When I squeeze his hand one more time, he says, “I heard you’re looking to legitimize more of your income through your legal front, V Corp, and I can help with that.”

“How?” Adrian asks.

“I own a third of a multi-billion-dollar empire that’s currently managed by my father and my sister. That’s how.”

“So you’ll invest in V Corp.” It’s not a question. Adrian is grappling with details and forming his own theories. “How much are we talking about?”

“Every penny to my name.”

I gasp, holding my hand to my mouth to hide the sound. Did he just say he’ll give all his money to my family?

For me?

Papa watches Knox without a change of expression and Vladimir still has suspicion written all over his face.

It’s Adrian who remains in his calm and continues his interrogation. “Wouldn’t your father oppose such a step? I believe a successful businessman like him wouldn’t want ties with us.”

“I already spoke to him and he won’t interfere with any decisions I make about my inheritance.”

A brief silence falls in the hall and I fidget, my hands turning clammier in Knox’s as I wait with bated breath. In theory, they should agree. Adrian of all people would because profit is his first aim, but Vlad and Papa are much more traditionalist and wouldn’t look at it from that perspective.

He’s still an outsider and definitely not Russian.

“Leave,” Papa tells Knox.

“I said I won’t until you give me your word—”

“Leave,” Papa cuts him off, but he’s not threatening him again. He’s not telling him that if he doesn’t leave, he’ll kill him.

Which means he’s changed his mind about something, or maybe he’s considering another option.

I can’t help the hope that blossoms beneath my ribcage and spreads to my whole body.

Knox is about to say something, but I grab his arm and shake my head. I rise on my tiptoes and whisper to his ear, “This is the closest thing to a truce that he can offer, so just go… I’ll call you.”


“Knox, please…you won’t get another chance to leave this house alive.”

“I don’t want it if it means separating from you.”

A shadow falls over us and it’s Vlad, glaring at both of us. “Are you going to leave with your head in place or should I sever it first?”

“He will,” I say firmly and then nudge Knox, begging him with my eyes to make the smart choice.

His jaw tightens and those beautiful golden eyes darken. For a second, I think he’ll say no and land himself in trouble, but he slowly relaxes his jaw.

“If she doesn’t call me in a day,” he tells my father, “I’ll be back, and this time, you won’t be able to kick me out.”

Vlad steps forward, probably to smack him for the insolence of speaking to the Pakhan that way, but Papa shakes his head.

Knox pulls me to him, brushes his lips on the top of my head, then says, “I’ll be back, beautiful.”

And with that, he slowly releases me and walks between Papa and Adrian with sure confidence.

I release a large gulp of air when none of the guards follow him.

He should be safe.

For now.

“Adrian, Vladimir,” Papa starts. “Wait for me in my office.”

They comply with a nod, even though Vlad hesitates. Adrian gives me a knowing look, one I don’t really understand, but for some reason, I want to believe it’s a good sign.

Papa goes into my room and I take the cue to follow him, my body heavy and exhausted, which has nothing to do with the way Knox took me ruthlessly, then gently, worshipping my body in ways I’ve never felt before.

As much as I want to think of him, I force myself to shake those thoughts away. I really shouldn’t be picturing Knox and sex when Papa’s shoulders are crowding with tension. He stands by my desk and watches the monitors as if it’s the first time he’s seen them.

Well, he rarely comes into my room, but he was the one who bought me my setup when I first started getting hooked on coding and computers.

He’s also the one who took it away when I came back by severing the power cables in my room.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have let you go into computer engineering,” he says with no animosity, running his long, meaty fingers across the mouse pad.

Papa might have gotten old, but nothing, absolutely nothing could erase the power that radiates off him. My uncle was more ruthless, louder, and a man not to be messed with. My papa seemed the more approachable one, the strategist of sorts, but everyone knows Papa has the type of power that simmers beneath the surface and only shows when it’s necessary.

It’s not by a stroke of luck that everyone in the Bratva respects him. Men like Adrian, Vlad, Kirill, and even Damien see him as their Pakhan, and those men don’t bend the knee to just anyone.

Even Kyle, Rai’s husband, a merciless hitman who has no allegiance to anyone but himself, considers Papa the leader. Rai’s love and adoration for my father plays a role, but still.

“If you hadn’t, maybe you wouldn’t have left,” he continues.

“I would’ve found a way to protect Babushka after you sent her back to Russia.”

“She’s no good for you. That woman only fills your head with flowery dreams that have no place in our world.”